Problems with slowness Delphi and Firedac


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I have an application developed in Delphi XE and a month ago I changed the whole persistence structure that used to use ADO for Firedac.

In the compatibility of the new persistence component I used the version of Windows 7, and last week I ended up formatting the computer and installed the Windows 8 OS.

Since formatting, my application has started to get quite slow. I debugged much of the source code and realized that the bottleneck of slowness was due to communication with the database (Postgresql 9.1). To use fireDAC in the application, I had to add the following Dlls: libiconv-2.dll, libintl-8.dll and libpq.dll

I’m sure there is something with Windows, because here in the company where I work the computers with Windows 7 that develops the software is normal and all the other computers that upgraded to Windows 8 began to have the same slowness.

Has anyone had this problem and/or knows any solution?

  • 1

    Postgresql is usually heavy to run on a common machine, have you tested with the database running on a server? I already had problem once where I could not run the routines in the local bank (crashed) but everything went well on the server.

  • I will do this test, but I found tin because before modifying for Windows 8 everything was very normal and fast.

  • 3

    Would going back to the W7 be possible? If so, go back. It’s too risky to simply change the Windows version when working with OS-dependent projects like Delphi.

  • Did you ever use any profiler? It would be nice if you tried one to check exactly where. Without information of exactly where is the slowness becomes difficult to diagnose.

  • I am using Postgresql 9.1 and 9.3 and it works very well. Instead of adding libraries manually, why don’t you install the full Postgresql 9.1 client? And how’s the connection configuration?

  • Change again and use Zeoslib, which is fast and Opensource Free.

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In that link, There was one person with the same problem. The solution found, apparently, was to exchange the OS version for a version of Windows for server (2008 and 2003).

Perhaps what caused your problem was the exchange of Windows 7 for Windows 8.

Also according to the link, was used this table of support to choose the OS version to be used.

I suggest you run a test running your application with the database on a server for this.

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