How to extend a global method in tests using globalThis?


Viewed 65 times


I’m making a node.js exercise, but the version I’m working on is younger, and has now adopted the globalThis in the instance global.

import { SetupServer } from "./server";
import supertest from "supertest";

   const server = new SetupServer();
   //quero colocar esse testRequest como sendo um método global do node.
   global.testRequest = supertest(server.getApp());

Then in the old version of Node, as presented by exercise, I would have to overwrite the global of the Node with the file test/globals.d.ts with that interface:

declare namespace NodeJS {
  interface Global {
    testRequest: import('supertest').SuperTest<import('supertest').Test>;

But the global no longer has a class Global within the current version of node V10.19.0, now it points the global to a type globalThis:

declare var global: typeof globalThis;

The doubt that arises is how I would have to rewrite test/globals.d.ts so that the global.testRequest = ... can be a global call method of the supertest. Now that the global has the new implementation globalThis.

This is the current Typescript format of node that I’m using: globals.d.ts:

// Declare "static" methods in Error
interface ErrorConstructor {
    /** Create .stack property on a target object */
    captureStackTrace(targetObject: object, constructorOpt?: Function): void;

     * Optional override for formatting stack traces
     * @see
    prepareStackTrace?: ((err: Error, stackTraces: NodeJS.CallSite[]) => any) | undefined;

    stackTraceLimit: number;

// Node.js ESNEXT support
interface String {
    /** Removes whitespace from the left end of a string. */
    trimLeft(): string;
    /** Removes whitespace from the right end of a string. */
    trimRight(): string;

    /** Returns a copy with leading whitespace removed. */
    trimStart(): string;
    /** Returns a copy with trailing whitespace removed. */
    trimEnd(): string;

 *                                               *
 *                   GLOBAL                      *
 *                                               *

// For backwards compability
interface NodeRequire extends NodeJS.Require { }
interface RequireResolve extends NodeJS.RequireResolve { }
interface NodeModule extends NodeJS.Module { }

declare var process: NodeJS.Process;
declare var console: Console;

declare var __filename: string;
declare var __dirname: string;

declare var require: NodeRequire;
declare var module: NodeModule;

// Same as module.exports
declare var exports: any;

 * Only available if `--expose-gc` is passed to the process.
declare var gc: undefined | (() => void);

//#region borrowed
// from until moved to separate lib
/** A controller object that allows you to abort one or more DOM requests as and when desired. */
interface AbortController {
     * Returns the AbortSignal object associated with this object.

    readonly signal: AbortSignal;
     * Invoking this method will set this object's AbortSignal's aborted flag and signal to any observers that the associated activity is to be aborted.
    abort(): void;

/** A signal object that allows you to communicate with a DOM request (such as a Fetch) and abort it if required via an AbortController object. */
interface AbortSignal {
     * Returns true if this AbortSignal's AbortController has signaled to abort, and false otherwise.
    readonly aborted: boolean;

declare var AbortController: {
    prototype: AbortController;
    new(): AbortController;

declare var AbortSignal: {
    prototype: AbortSignal;
    new(): AbortSignal;
    // TODO: Add abort() static
//#endregion borrowed

*                                               *
*               GLOBAL INTERFACES               *
*                                               *
declare namespace NodeJS {
    interface CallSite {
         * Value of "this"
        getThis(): unknown;

         * Type of "this" as a string.
         * This is the name of the function stored in the constructor field of
         * "this", if available.  Otherwise the object's [[Class]] internal
         * property.
        getTypeName(): string | null;

         * Current function
        getFunction(): Function | undefined;

         * Name of the current function, typically its name property.
         * If a name property is not available an attempt will be made to try
         * to infer a name from the function's context.
        getFunctionName(): string | null;

         * Name of the property [of "this" or one of its prototypes] that holds
         * the current function
        getMethodName(): string | null;

         * Name of the script [if this function was defined in a script]
        getFileName(): string | null;

         * Current line number [if this function was defined in a script]
        getLineNumber(): number | null;

         * Current column number [if this function was defined in a script]
        getColumnNumber(): number | null;

         * A call site object representing the location where eval was called
         * [if this function was created using a call to eval]
        getEvalOrigin(): string | undefined;

         * Is this a toplevel invocation, that is, is "this" the global object?
        isToplevel(): boolean;

         * Does this call take place in code defined by a call to eval?
        isEval(): boolean;

         * Is this call in native V8 code?
        isNative(): boolean;

         * Is this a constructor call?
        isConstructor(): boolean;

    interface ErrnoException extends Error {
        errno?: number | undefined;
        code?: string | undefined;
        path?: string | undefined;
        syscall?: string | undefined;
        stack?: string | undefined;

    interface ReadableStream extends EventEmitter {
        readable: boolean;
        read(size?: number): string | Buffer;
        setEncoding(encoding: BufferEncoding): this;
        pause(): this;
        resume(): this;
        isPaused(): boolean;
        pipe<T extends WritableStream>(destination: T, options?: { end?: boolean | undefined; }): T;
        unpipe(destination?: WritableStream): this;
        unshift(chunk: string | Uint8Array, encoding?: BufferEncoding): void;
        wrap(oldStream: ReadableStream): this;
        [Symbol.asyncIterator](): AsyncIterableIterator<string | Buffer>;

    interface WritableStream extends EventEmitter {
        writable: boolean;
        write(buffer: Uint8Array | string, cb?: (err?: Error | null) => void): boolean;
        write(str: string, encoding?: BufferEncoding, cb?: (err?: Error | null) => void): boolean;
        end(cb?: () => void): void;
        end(data: string | Uint8Array, cb?: () => void): void;
        end(str: string, encoding?: BufferEncoding, cb?: () => void): void;

    interface ReadWriteStream extends ReadableStream, WritableStream { }

    interface RefCounted {
        ref(): this;
        unref(): this;

    type TypedArray =
        | Uint8Array
        | Uint8ClampedArray
        | Uint16Array
        | Uint32Array
        | Int8Array
        | Int16Array
        | Int32Array
        | BigUint64Array
        | BigInt64Array
        | Float32Array
        | Float64Array;
    type ArrayBufferView = TypedArray | DataView;

    interface Require {
        (id: string): any;
        resolve: RequireResolve;
        cache: Dict<NodeModule>;
         * @deprecated
        extensions: RequireExtensions;
        main: Module | undefined;

    interface RequireResolve {
        (id: string, options?: { paths?: string[] | undefined; }): string;
        paths(request: string): string[] | null;

    interface RequireExtensions extends Dict<(m: Module, filename: string) => any> {
        '.js': (m: Module, filename: string) => any;
        '.json': (m: Module, filename: string) => any;
        '.node': (m: Module, filename: string) => any;
    interface Module {
         * `true` if the module is running during the Node.js preload
        isPreloading: boolean;
        exports: any;
        require: Require;
        id: string;
        filename: string;
        loaded: boolean;
        /** @deprecated since 14.6.0 Please use `require.main` and `module.children` instead. */
        parent: Module | null | undefined;
        children: Module[];
         * @since 11.14.0
         * The directory name of the module. This is usually the same as the path.dirname() of the
        path: string;
        paths: string[];

    interface Dict<T> {
        [key: string]: T | undefined;

    interface ReadOnlyDict<T> {
        readonly [key: string]: T | undefined;

There’s a saying that in the future that would be used in this way, but the future has already arrived:

globalThis.testRequest = import('supertest').SuperTest<import('supertest').Test>;

And the global.testRequest would already be accessible thus, but vscode still accuses that the method does not exist in the global.

  • I don’t quite understand. global.testRequest doesn’t work because it doesn’t exist Global ai Voce wanted to change the type of globalThis?

  • No, the global property no longer has properties, these properties are indirect because they are in globalThis. So the access is by global, but the attribution is in globalThis, see this comment

1 answer


I managed to solve the problem by declaring a namespace globalThis and a var with the desired signature, thus:

declare namespace globalThis {
  declare var testRequest: import('supertest').SuperTest<

  • This way is having problems in syntax and conflict see here.

  • you need to put this in a file with the extension .d.ts, in an archive .ts normal he will complain.

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