header using relative address and " .. / " does not work


Viewed 276 times


How do I header a page that is one level up, e.g.: I have the following directory tree, I want to header from validarLogin.php to welcomePage.php? I tried using a .. / to access the views folder and it didn’t work

--- validarCadastro.php
--- validarLogin.php
--- index.php
--- welcomePage.php

Redirect code:

$string = http_build_query($consulta);
$url = 'Location:'.'../views/welcomePage.php?'.$string;
  • Because you don’t take some form of (or create a way to get) the base url of your application. This would solve the problem.

  • how so? I am accessed by localhost, the full address is: localhost/PHP/Site/modules/users/views/welcomePage.php

  • Show us the redirect code so we can help

  • If used 'Location:'.'http://localhost/PHP/Site/modules/users/views/ewelcomePage.php?'.$string; works

  • What’s your structure like? where do you call this Location? Which file? goes through an index.php outside of these directories for redirection??

  • It does not pass an index, this redirection is located at the end of the login validation and is independent of the result (logged in or not)

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1 answer


If you are using real paths (ie if you are not using Apache URL rewriting) something like the following code could solve:

$linkAtual = "http://$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]";
$string = http_build_query($consulta);
$url = 'Location: '.$linkAtual.'/../views/welcomePage.php?'.$string;

Location is usually quite rigid, notice that you did not put space between the : of the word Location and the URL, may also be what’s getting in the way.

If it still doesn’t work, inform a little more: - You get some error, if so, then what error do you get? - Do you use any platform or PHP pure? - Is using sobre escrita of URLs in the .htaccess?

Let us know what worked for you.

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