How to access an attribute or method from a variable?


Viewed 34 times


I’m getting this mistake:

Erro: " 'Series' object has no attribute 'medida' "

Is there any way to put a variable in place of the method and Dataframe recognizes the attribute? Below is the code as I thought it would work.

   def desc():
        lista_colunas = ['Pclass', 'Age', 'Parch', 'Fare']
        lista_medidas = ['mean','max','min','std','var']
        for medida in lista_medidas:
            for feat in lista_colunas:
                df_join[feat + '_' + medida] = df_join[feat].medida()
  • In the pandas.DataFrame No! You’d have to do a style gambiarra Monkey patch how to overwrite in Runtime the class pandas.Series to include the method pandas.Series.medida().

2 answers


You can take a method / attribute any of an object through a string with the function built-in getattr:

import numpy as np

a = np.array([1, 2, 3])
# a linha abaixo equivale a escrever "soma = a.sum()"
soma = getattr(a, 'sum')()

print(soma)  # output = 6

Without sample data, I can’t test if your code logic is working. But by focusing on your question, you can do the operation with:

df_join[feat + '_' + medida] = getattr(df_join[feat], medida)()
  • I don’t think so. I understood that the AP wants to add a new method to the class pandas.Series.

  • "put a variable in place of the method and the Dataframe recognize the attribute" seems to me rather with the description of a beginner who wants to use the value of the variable medida = "mean" to access the method df.mean dynamically, but realized that neither df.medida nor df."mean" work. Anyway it would be good if the OP comes back to try to clarify your doubt.


You can use the eval to do what you want.

def desc():
    lista_colunas = ['Pclass', 'Age', 'Parch', 'Fare']
    lista_medidas = ['mean','max','min','std','var']
    for medida in lista_medidas:
        for feat in lista_colunas:
            func = f"df_join['{feat}'].{medida}()"
            df_join[feat + '_' + medida] = eval(func)


Note Beware of using the eval. In certain situations where the program has a security breach, the use of this can be dangerous. Imagine that in this small script it is possible to insert value to func. If a person with a bad intensity enters select * from table or just 1/0, or something else; the script could throw an exception, delete files, elevate CPU usage by 100% or other problem.

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