How to initialize form using value from an angular service


Viewed 39 times


I’m returning from mine API an integer, and then, with the angular need to show this value as default in this tag:

<input type="text" formControlName="pacienteId" class="form-control">

I know that to initialize forms with values of an object is used [(ngModel)]="objeto.propriedade" but how could I return from my API that entire number using the angular service?

This is my service:

currentId(): any {
  return this.http.get<number>(`${this.baseURL}/currentId`)
  • what returns from this url? ${this.baseURL}/currentId?

  • Returns an integer number

  • In the Component where you call this service you can create a function to call it: ex: currentId().then( response => this.pacienteId = response ) Ai call the function you create in the init of the Component

  • I want to show this integer number that returns from this URL every time I initialize the form

  • it would actually be in your form: currentId().then( response => this.seuForm.pacienteId.setValue( response ) )

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1 answer


Considering the comment you made that your URL returns an integer number and then it would look something like this

service ts.

   return this.http.get(`${this.baseURL}/currentId`)

In the Component where you call that service and assemble the form would look something like this:


import { FormControl, FormGroup } from '@angular/forms';

export class SeuComponent implements OnInit {
  formCad: FormGroup
  constructor(private _seuService: SeuService) { }

        this.formCad = new FormGroup({
                pacienteId: new FormControl('')

             .subscribe( response => {
                    this.formCad.controls.pacienteId.setValue( response)

I hope I can help

  • Helped very expensive, thank you very much, just made a simple modification. Instead of 'then()' I put the subscribe method.

  • That’s right.... I forgot rs

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