GET STR syntax


Viewed 47 times


answer from the JSON:

      "tipoLogradouro": "AVENIDA",
      "logradouro": "DOIS",
      "numero": "185",

PHP to collect the answer

        $tipolograd= GetStr($data, 'tipoLogradouro":' '",');
        $lograd= GetStr($data, 'lograd":' '",');
        $num= GetStr($data, 'num":' '",');

I’m sure I’m making a mistake "'','"

Can anyone give me an example of what that code would look like, correctly? How can I correctly delimit the area I need to pick up on this case

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1 answer


To take the body of a request with php you can use file_get_contents()

$corpo = file_get_contents('php://input');

if the JSON body is used json_decode():

$json = json_decode($corpo);

then you can access the JSON items as a php object

echo $json -> tipoLogradouro; // AVENIDA
echo $json -> logradouro;     // DOIS
echo $json -> numero;         // 185

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