What is Hermes for?


Viewed 537 times


I saw that the Hermes is a javascript engine and that was developed by Facebook for React Native, being recently added to Android on version 0.60.1 and later for iOS on version 0.64.0.

But if we had others Engines Javascript, what is Hermes for? It has some differential?

  • You have the DOC here: https://reactnative.dev/docs/hermes

  • 3

    The documentation is more focused on the code - how to enable it, whether it is enabled, versioning care, etc. Only the first two sentences of the first paragraph speak about Hermes itself

  • 3

    In the blog of Facebook devs has that post that explains better why they created another engine. And has this post in dev.to with more third-party opinions that might further clarify the motivation of creating Hermes.

3 answers


Hermes is an open source Javascript engine designed to run React Native applications on Android. The use of Hermes will probably be the most widely adopted method of running React Native applications in the future.

Different from other engines: Hermes stands out from other Engines for its performance when it comes to boot time (using pre-compilation in a bytecode), memory usage and application size.


Hermes is tasked with improving the performance of the React Native app in a mobile environment. Giving more performance and agility.


Basically Hermes was developed to accelerate application startup using static optimization and Compact bytecode with this it is able to significantly improve boot time, the size of APK generated in addition to optimizing memory utilization using Garbage Collector Strategy with noncontagious.

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