String reading with two or more names


Viewed 2,799 times


How do I read a string with a compound name for example: "Vitor Martins"? I’m doing this program that stores a student’s name and note but it gives a bug when you type two names.


    #define alunos 3

int main(){
int x;
float nota[alunos];
char nome[15];

for(x=0; x<alunos; x++){
    printf("Digite o nome do %d(o) aluno: ", x+1);
    scanf("%s", nome);

    printf("Digite a nota do aluno %s: ", nome);
    scanf("%f", &nota[x]);



  • 2

    read this: This question is probably duplicated if not from some other, this problem is recurring.

4 answers


you can use:

fgets (nome, 15, stdin); 

or you can use the scanf even applying a regex that will eliminate a space, because if I remember well the scanf recognizes a space as a possible line break to end its reading, example:

scanf ("%[^\n]%*c", nome);
  • Still giving the same problem, when typing the other students' names the program jumps to the note and does not let type the name, only the note

  • After performing a scanf it is good to clean the input buffer with fflush(stdin), provavelemnte this will end your problem of skipping reading.

  • Beware! The function fflush only operates in buffers output and its use in an input buffer (ex: fflush(stdin)) is not recommended, has undefined behavior (link - in English)


The general rule is: don’t try to do anything complicated with scanf.

The purpose of the scanf function is to work with structured data, normally read from a file.

To work with interactive data reading you usually need to use a library, such as "ncurses" on Linux, or else analyze each line "manually", which is laborious.

I’ve never seen a program "in real life" that uses scanf, only in examples and school exercises. :)

Having said all this, you can do something, as in the example below, but I think it does not make up for the work, it will always end up being "half mouth". :)


#define N_ALUNOS 3

static void ignoreRestOfLine(void)
   char c;
   while((c = getchar()) != '\n' && c != EOF)
        /* discard */ ;

int main()
   int i;
   float nota[N_ALUNOS];
   char nome[15];

   for (i = 0; i < N_ALUNOS; i++)
      printf("Digite o nome do %d(o) aluno: ", i+1);
      scanf("%14[ .a-zA-Z]%*[^\n]\n", nome);

      printf("Digite a nota do aluno %s: ", nome);
      scanf("%f", &nota[i]);




Hey Friends I know the post is old, but I will post here a solution for anyone starting in C++ and for some reason came here... copy and paste this also in the line above int x: setlocale(LC_ALL, "English"); //serves for character accentuation inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • It is difficult to copy and paste code that is in an image,

  • Sorry... I’ll leave the link to my repository on github


If I am not mistaken, it is possible to use the number of characters in the %s which will include space as a character. Ex:

scanf("%50[^\n]s", nome);

This allows up to 50 characters in the variable (including spaces) and ends when pressing Enter (using \n).

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