Sense/NET: Installation and programmatic configuration


Viewed 77 times


I am currently working on solutions that require the storage of files uploaded by users, associated with these files and making them available to other users and common maintenance tasks (clean-up, etc.)

As I do not wish to reinvent the wheel, I looked for CMS solutions for . NET and found the project Sense/NET, which is a complete solution for a CMS portal. However, its scope is much larger than the aspect I need (which I believe would only be the Portalfilesystem).

In my ideal world, I would like to programmatically activate PFS (stipulating the connection string to the database and any other necessary settings) within a single library class - but I did not find any documentation in this respect.


It is possible to programmatically initialize and configure the Portalfilesystem module?


Is there any alternative I haven’t contemplated that best meets my needs?

1 answer


I suggest the Kooboo CMS. It is a CMS ASP.NET of easy configuration and has a very intuitive interface. It has support for file library, Membership of users, among other features that can help you. I made a post with a Getting Started on my blog.

Using User Roles you can, for example, give specific permission to manage library files to users in your project.

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