Correctly convert value into scientific notation for text in R


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I am a bit aimless with a problem with my data frame. Below a table of an SQL server and one of the columns brings the numbers of each process. This value is a long numerical sequence that R converts to scientific notation. The problem is that when I change the column to text it brings the wrong number. How do I make R understand the correct number?

Here is a code to illustrate the problem: When I switch to text the result comes with the end 6 and not 7.

df <- data.frame(Processo = (25351001641201357))

> df
   1 2.5351e+16

df1 <- as.character(df$Processo)

> df1
[1] "25351001641201356"

Adding the result of the solution suggested, but which has not yet worked.

> options(scipen = 1e9)
> df <- data.frame(Processo = c(25351001641201357))
> df
1 25351001641201356

> as.character(format(df, scientific = FALSE))
[1] "25351001641201356"

I’m using Windows 10 Home Single Language 64bits Rstudio Version 1.4.1106

  • 2

    You can’t read how character?

  • It is that the table is provided by another sector of my work. I have no way to change the way the data arrive.

2 answers


Can use format to specify the display format:

n <- c(25351001641201357706367, 72952982679250725702754)

#> [1] "2.53510016412014e+22" "7.29529826792507e+22"

as.character(format(n, scientific = FALSE))
#> [1] "25351001641201359126528" "72952982679250725240832"

Or use options to change the limit for scientific notation to a fairly high value, so that it is not used during the entire working session:

options(scipen = 1e6)

#> [1] "25351001641201359126528" "72952982679250725240832"

Updated: large number of digits

Of aid to integer (free translation mine):

Note that current implementations of R use 32-bit integers for integer vectors. Therefore, the range of representable integers is restricted to about +/-2*10 9.

You can check the exact limit with .Machine$integer.max. Higher values are automatically converted to double:

n <- 25351001641201357

print(n, digits = 22)
#> [1] 25351001641201356

#> [1] "numeric"

#> [1] FALSE

#> [1] TRUE

Why this requires a very long explanation for an OS response, but the calculation of the number of significant digits in R depends on the implemented C library and follows international standard (can read more on Wikipedia in English).

The solution to this is to load the data as character. Because R automatically converts high values to double, even packages that implement higher limits (e.g. gmp) require them to be read first as a string.

  • Carlos, thank you for the answer. Unfortunately the problem has not been solved yet. I tested the codes: options(scipen = 1e9) &#xA; df <- data.frame(Processo = c(25351001641201357,25351001641201385,25351123456202188)) &#xA; df &#xA; Processo&#xA;1 25351001641201356&#xA;2 25351001641201384&#xA;3 25351123456202188

  • @rodgreg, do not post code block in the comments; if necessary edit the question. Works using format(..., scientific = FALSE)? If not, edit the question to include this detail and also enter your system/session data.

  • 1

    @rodgreg, I’m sorry it took me so long to respond. Your problem is related to number of significant digits and is a little more complicated than just changing the display. I will update the answer.


options(scipen = 999)

df <- data.frame(Processo = (25351001641201357))

  • 1

    When answering questions, try not only to play code, but also explain what has been done and why.

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