I’m trying to make a text/note program, like Word or notepad in Pysimplegui. Before I started doing it, I needed test programs, and in one of them I have a problem: allow to maximize and return to the original size.
I did a lot of research and found the maximize
, that maximized the screen, but did not allow alternating. Until I thought I could have a event
for that, and I just can’t find anything about it.
Follows my code:
import tkinter as tk
from PySimpleGUI import PySimpleGUI as sg
layout = [
x = sg.Window('teste', layout=layout, finalize=True, size = (600,600))
while True:
event, values = x.read()
if event == sg.WINDOW_CLOSED:
So how could I activate the maximize/return to the original window size in Pysimplegui?
I’m using Windows 10 Pro, 64bit.
Please comment on any error in the question for me to change it!
@Arturcarneirobarroso this is already another doubt the part, it would fit better in a new question.
– Guilherme Nascimento
I’ve found a way, thank you!
– Artur Carneiro Barroso