CEP for Latitude and Longitude Python


Viewed 218 times


Hello I would like to run a CSV that contains more than 100 CEP and return to me, in another CSV, Latitude and Longitude.

I already have the basis to transform the zip code. But I’m not able to read a CSV line by line and return latitude and longitude.

import pycep_correios
from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim

endereco = pycep_correios.get_address_from_cep('01001010')

geolocator = Nominatim(user_agent="test_app")
location = geolocator.geocode(endereco['logradouro'] + ", " + endereco['cidade'] + " - " + endereco['bairro'])

print(location.latitude, location.longitude)

Someone can help me?

thank you

1 answer


Assuming that your file .csv contains a simple list of ceps. Ex:

  1. Make the reading of the file .csv using the method open() from Python, and store the ceps in a list:

    import csv    
    lista_ceps = []   
    with open('ceps.csv') as file:
        next(file)  # Pula o cabeçalho, caso exista
        for row in csv.reader(file):
  2. Turn your code to zip conversion into a function:

    import pycep_correios
    from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim
    def extrai_lat_long(cep):
        endereco = pycep_correios.get_address_from_cep(cep)
        geolocator = Nominatim(user_agent="test_app")
        location = geolocator.geocode(endereco['logradouro'] + ", " + endereco['cidade'] + " - " + endereco['bairro'])
        return(location.latitude, location.longitude)
  3. Create a new .csv with CEP, latitude and longitude, using the same method open(), but this time with the output file, and with the parameter 'w' to indicate that the operation is written (write):

     with open('ceps_lat_long.csv', 'w') as file:
         cabecalho = ['cep', 'latitude', 'longitude']
         writer = csv.DictWriter(file, fieldnames=cabecalho)
         writer.writeheader() # Escreve o cabeçalho
         for cep in lista_ceps:
             latitude, longitude = extrai_lat_long(cep)
             writer.writerow({'cep': cep, 'latitude': latitude, 'longitude': longitude})

The archive ceps_lat_long.csv will look like this:


I hope that’s clear!

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