Define style in the :Hover event of an inline HTML form element?


Viewed 180 times


It is possible to define style(CSS) of a single element HTML so inline at the event :hover?

How to define style(CSS) of a single element HTML so inline at the event :hover?

  • 6

    Short answer: NAY. A way to "simulate" the effect of :hover would be with Javascript (onmouseover and onmouseout). Answers in Stackoverflow: link-one and link-two.

  • 2

    @Renan doesn’t want to make a "well-thought" of the two and post as a response? (with the credits, of course). I think it is an extremely good question, it would be good an answer that, besides the "no", showed alternatives.

1 answer


Unfortunately not, because it is a pseudo-selector it works only on external style sheets or within the page in question.

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