What are the main differences between REACTJS and Handlerbars?


Viewed 32 times


I’m starting in web development now, I’ve learned to develop a simple application on the web. I am using handlebars as my view engine, but I would like to know the difference between reactjs and handlebars. I researched, I read about both, but I couldn’t really visualize an application, I would like to apply React to a project I’m doing. Could you help me with exeplos? Reactjs is different from the right handlebars? It is possible to use handlerbars + Reactjs in a project?

Thank you!

1 answer


Beauty Vinicius? for this your question I recommend visualizing the difference more in depth of both in this link: https://stackshare.io/stackups/handlebars-vs-react

Handlebars.js is less used than React.js but it doesn’t mean it’s inferior or worse because it’s a template language, whereas React is more of an interface library as shown in this article above. It would not be good to mix both because React already has several template modules, but it goes from each one.

I hope I helped, Hug.

  • 1

    Thank you so much for answering Matheus, I appreciate your patience and time in answering my question, that’s exactly what I needed to know!!

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