Average function in excel


Viewed 42 times


I need to insert the average function in excel in ranges. For example, from A1:A5, just after A6:A10, A11:15 and so on. How do I make excel understand this logic?

I thought to make him understand that the previous interval should be changed in 5 units. Example:

A(1+5):A(5+5), but this type of programming is not allowed. It is good to emphasize that I want to do this without I need to merge the cells to calculate the average, because in the example illustrated is small, but for what I want to apply it is impossible to merge cells equivalent to the values I want to get the average.inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

3 answers


All right?

I believe the code below can help.

I did based on the spreadsheet that you showed above.

Basically, it sums the values of column A:A according to the interval stipulated in cell "E3". After the sum is made, the division is made by the number in the stipulated interval (ie calculates a simple average).

This calculation is made up to the last row filled, but if the range exceeds the list of values and empty cells are selected in the calculation range, the filled cells will be considered as zero, which affects the calculation of the average.

The spreadsheet I used for testing looked like this:


And the code is this:

Private Sub btCalcular_Click()

Dim W           As Worksheet
Dim A           As Integer
Dim B           As Integer
Dim C           As Integer
Dim UltCel      As Range
Dim Intervalo   As Integer
Dim Soma        As Double

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

'Declara e seleciona a aba em que serão feitos os cálculos
Set W = Planilha1

'Encontra a última linha preenchida
Set UltCel = W.Cells(W.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)

'Recebe o intervalo de células para cálculo das médias
Intervalo = W.Range("E3").Value

A = 2
B = 2
C = 2
Soma = 0

'Apaga as médias preenchidas antes


'Calcula as médias até a última linha preenchida e insere os valores nas células do campo "Médias"
Do While A <= UltCel.Row

    Do While B <= Intervalo + 1
        Soma = Soma + W.Range("A" & C).Value
        C = C + 1
        B = B + 1
    ActiveCell.Value = (Soma / Intervalo)
    A = A + Intervalo
    'Intervalo = Intervalo + Intervalo
    B = 2
    C = A
    Soma = 0
    'Pula uma célula para o lado para incluir a próxima média
    ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select


'Apaga as variáveis
Set W = Nothing
Set UltCel = Nothing
A = Empty
Intervalo = Empty
Soma = Empty

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

MsgBox "Feito!"

End Sub

Anything, just call here!


I got what I wanted.

For example average for a range of A1:A5, after that, A6:10 and so on, we can thus use the formula:



You can use the following formula to avoid using the offset (volatile) function, which is executed whenever there is any change in the Excel sheet. =AVERAGE(INDEX($A:$A,(ROW(A1)-1)*5+1,1):INDEX($A:$A,ROW(A1)*5,1)) or =AVERAGE(INDEX($A$1:$A$100,(ROW(A1)-1)*5+1,1):INDEX($A$1:$A$100,ROW(A1)*5,1))

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