SQL query to bring the last occurrence


Viewed 108 times


I have a query that performs data filtering through codes, adding the existing values, only I need to bring in the "Marked" column, only the last occurrence of a phone number, Ex:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

I cannot change the structure of how the query generates, because I am a standardized report. the code:

,DataContato            = cast(a.contactDate as Date)
,HoraContato            = cast(left(cast(dateadd(minute,(datediff(minute,0,a.ContactDate)/30)*30,0)  as time),5) as varchar(5))
,Base                   = Count(a.PhoneNumber)
,Marcados = sum(case when StatusCode in('Cod_1, Cod_2, Cod_3, Cod_4') then 1 else 0 end) 

from OdsAspect.dbo.ContactIntraday a
    cast(contactDate as Date) between '2021-04-01' and '2021-04-11'
    and [Serviceid] IN (274) 
    group by 
        cast(a.contactDate as Date)
        ,cast(left(cast(dateadd(minute,(datediff(minute,0,a.ContactDate)/30)*30,0)  as time),5) as varchar(5))
    order by 1,2
  • 1

    makes a subquery that returns the max(id) from the phonenumber, has something very similar in this other question, see if it helps: https://answall.com/questions/500548/como-peg-a-%C3%baltima-venda-de-cada-cliente

  • I understood in parts, I’m having trouble to leave with this same pattern, because it would have to be within the grouping created

2 answers


To perform this query, think of set theory where you already have an initial set and need to select specific items from that set. I suggest two solutions:

  1. Using sub-consumption based on the result already obtained;
  2. Use the clause HAVING.

Using sub-consumption based on the result already obtained;

To solve the problem, I considered the result of your query as the table resultado since you already have this initial result. Later, I will show another solution option using the clause HAVING.

Situation has been tested in the SQL Fiddle and posted codes and results below:

MS SQL Server 2017 Schema Setup:

CREATE TABLE resultado(
    [PhoneNumber] [varchar](20) NULL,
    [DataContato] [date] NULL,
    [HoraContato] [varchar](5) NULL,
    [Base] [int] NULL,
    [Marcados] [varchar](1) NULL

insert into resultado values (7,'2021-04-01','11:00','1','1')
insert into resultado values (7,'2021-04-01','15:00','1','0')
insert into resultado values (7,'2021-04-01','11:00','1','0')
insert into resultado values ('06','2021-04-01','09:00','1','0')
insert into resultado values ('06','2021-04-01','16:00','1','1')
insert into resultado values ('06','2021-04-06','11:00','1','0')
insert into resultado values ('06','2021-04-06','16:30','1','1')

insert into resultado values ('83','2021-04-01','11:00','1','1')
insert into resultado values ('83','2021-04-01','13:00','1','0')
insert into resultado values ('83','2021-04-06','13:30','1','0')

insert into resultado values ('1','2021-04-01','11:00','1','1')
insert into resultado values ('1','2021-04-01','11:30','1','0')
insert into resultado values ('1','2021-04-06','12:30','1','0')

Query 1:

With resultado_agrupado AS
       select * from resultado

    Select ra.*
      from resultado_agrupado ra
      where cast(cast(ra.DataContato as varchar) + ' ' + ra.HoraContato+':00' as datetime) = 
        (   Select max(cast(cast(ra2.DataContato as varchar) + ' ' + ra2.HoraContato+':00' as datetime)) dataContato_Ultimo
              from resultado_agrupado ra2
             where ra2.PhoneNumber = ra.PhoneNumber 


Phonenumber Datacontact Horacontacto Groundwork Marked
06 2021-04-06 16:30 1 1
1 2021-04-06 12:30 1 0
7 2021-04-01 15:00 1 0
83 2021-04-06 13:30 1 0

I used the excerpt to abstract the complexity of your original query

With resultado_agrupado AS
       select * from resultado

Replacing the select * from resultado for your consultation, would be:

With resultado_agrupado AS
        ,DataContato            = cast(a.contactDate as Date)
        ,HoraContato            = cast(left(cast(dateadd(minute,(datediff(minute,0,a.ContactDate)/30)*30,0)  as time),5) as varchar(5))
        ,Base                   = Count(a.PhoneNumber)
        ,Marcados = sum(case when StatusCode in('Cod_1, Cod_2, Cod_3, Cod_4') then 1 else 0 end) 

        from OdsAspect.dbo.ContactIntraday a
            cast(contactDate as Date) between '2021-04-01' and '2021-04-11'
            and [Serviceid] IN (274) 
            group by 
                cast(a.contactDate as Date)
                ,cast(left(cast(dateadd(minute,(datediff(minute,0,a.ContactDate)/30)*30,0)  as time),5) as varchar(5))

Use the clause HAVING

You use the having to restrict records after processing the GROUP BY.

Note that it is necessary that the field used in having is also present in group by, for this reason, I have included the contactDate as a last criterion of group by. If your query cannot include the field contactDate in the group by you will need to do the casts necessary to obtain the equivalent information in the main consultation after the having and in the sub-consumption as required, I will give an example with casts at the end of this reply.

See how your query would look with the use of HAVING:

--Se tivesse o contactDate no Group By        

,DataContato            = cast(a.contactDate as Date)
,HoraContato            = cast(left(cast(dateadd(minute,(datediff(minute,0,a.ContactDate)/30)*30,0)  as time),5) as varchar(5))
,Base                   = Count(a.PhoneNumber)
from ContactIntraday a
    cast(contactDate as Date) between '2021-04-01' and '2021-04-11'
    and [Serviceid] IN (274) 
    group by 
        cast(a.contactDate as Date)
        ,cast(left(cast(dateadd(minute,(datediff(minute,0,a.ContactDate)/30)*30,0)  as time),5) as varchar(5))
    having contactDate = (select max(a2.contactDate) from ContactIntraday a2 where a2.PhoneNumber = a.PhoneNumber)
    order by 1,2

Having without adding contactDate and using casts

    ,DataContato            = cast(a.contactDate as Date)
    ,HoraContato            = cast(left(cast(dateadd(minute,(datediff(minute,0,a.ContactDate)/30)*30,0)  as time),5) as varchar(5))
    ,Base                   = Count(a.PhoneNumber)
    from ContactIntraday a
        cast(contactDate as Date) between '2021-04-01' and '2021-04-11'
        and [Serviceid] IN (274) 
        group by 
            cast(a.contactDate as Date)
            ,cast(left(cast(dateadd(minute,(datediff(minute,0,a.ContactDate)/30)*30,0)  as time),5) as varchar(5))
        having cast(cast(a.contactDate as Date) as varchar) +' '+ cast(left(cast(dateadd(minute,(datediff(minute,0,a.ContactDate)/30)*30,0)  as time),5) as varchar(5)) = 
            select max(
                   cast(cast(cast(a2.contactDate as Date) as varchar) + ' ' + cast(left(cast(dateadd(minute,(datediff(minute,0,a2.ContactDate)/30)*30,0)  as time),5) as varchar(5)) as datetime))
               from ContactIntraday a2 where a2.PhoneNumber = a.PhoneNumber
        order by 1,2

To test the having with the table resultado proposal, would be like this:

    Select PhoneNumber, DataContato,    HoraContato,    Base,   Marcados
      from resultado r
      group by PhoneNumber, DataContato,    HoraContato,    Base,   Marcados
      having Cast(cast(DataContato as varchar) + ' ' + HoraContato as datetime) = 
          Select Max(Cast(cast(DataContato as varchar) + ' ' + HoraContato as datetime)) 
             from resultado r2
             where r2.PhoneNumber = r.PhoneNumber


From what I understand... You can try to bring the 'Marked' column using a subquerie that brings the value of the highest date/time of the phone number. An idea you can try

Something like:

marcado = 
 select 'sua_coluna' from OdsAspect.dbo.ContactIntraday a 
Where PhoneNumber = 'seu_numero' and a.contactDate = (select max(a.contactDate) from from OdsAspect.dbo.ContactIntraday a Where PhoneNumber = 'seu_numero' )

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