How to trace routes in a C# Windows Forms application from latitude and longitude


Viewed 752 times


Hello, I would like to know how to best display a route from the latitude and longitude that are in the database in a C# Windows Forms application. I’ve searched the web and I’ve managed to find something similar to what I need, But I still can not understand much not. The code is getting as follows:

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.Win32;

namespace GSD
    public class Class1{

        public Class1(){


        public void AbreGoogleMaps(double _lat1, double _long1, double _lat2, double _long2)
            string defaultBrowserPath = GetDefaultBrowserPath();

                Process.Start(defaultBrowserPath, string.Format("{0},{1}&daddr={2},{3}", _lat1, _long1, _lat2, _long2));

            catch (Exception exp)

        private static string GetDefaultBrowserPath()
            string key = @"htmlfile\shell\open\command";

            RegistryKey registryKey = Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey(key, false);

            return ((string)registryKey.GetValue(null, null)).Split('"')[1];

1 answer


This implementation you demonstrated may even work, only it opens the user’s browser with the mapped route. This way you don’t have a desirable control of the implementations and makes it a little difficult to customize the maps. There is an Open Source library called Gmaps.NET (Great Maps .NET) that implements the map creation features in a form, there is also the possibility of using the google API to pick up the coordinates of the desired route, I believe that if you carry out an implementation uniting the two technologies, you can do something very complete and functional, below the links for verification: hl=en

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