how to set up a very extensive table


Viewed 91 times


How do I show a form form by x in the table? the table is very extensive as do p show it as a form vertically and not horizontally?


    <table  BORDER RULES=all  CELLPADDING=10  ALIGN="center">

                    <tr >

                        <th>Data Fundaçao</th>  
                        <th>Complemento</th >
                        <th>Inscrição Estadual</th>
                        <th>Data de Nascimento</th> 
                        <th>Endereço Residencial</th>
                        <th>Contato Banco</th>


            <?php while ($i<$qtd1){ ?>
                    <option value="<?php echo $lista_cadastro[$i]->get("idcadastro"); ?>" 


                            <td >   
                                    echo $lista_cadastro[$i]->get("nome"); ?>                                      

                                <?php echo $lista_cadastro[$i]->get("fantasia"); ?> 

                                <?php echo $lista_cadastro[$i]->get("datafundacao"); ?> 
                                <?php echo $lista_cadastro[$i]->get("endereco"); ?> 
                                <?php echo $lista_cadastro[$i]->get("complemento"); ?> 
                                <?php echo $lista_cadastro[$i]->get("bairro"); ?> 
                                <?php echo $lista_cadastro[$i]->get("cep"); ?> 

                                <?php echo $lista_cadastro[$i]->get("estado"); ?> 
                                <?php echo $lista_cadastro[$i]->get("cidade"); ?> 
                                <?php echo $lista_cadastro[$i]->get("fone"); ?> 
                                <?php echo $lista_cadastro[$i]->get("celular"); ?> 
                                <?php echo $lista_cadastro[$i]->get("cnpj"); ?> 
                                <?php echo $lista_cadastro[$i]->get("inscricaoestadual"); ?> 
                                <?php echo $lista_cadastro[$i]->get("email"); ?> 
                                <?php echo $lista_cadastro[$i]->get("contato"); ?> 
                                <?php echo $lista_cadastro[$i]->get("data_nascimento"); ?> 
                                <?php echo $lista_cadastro[$i]->get("cpf"); ?> 
                                <?php echo $lista_cadastro[$i]->get("enderecoresidencial"); ?> 
                                <?php echo $lista_cadastro[$i]->get("empresa"); ?> 
                                <?php echo $lista_cadastro[$i]->get("foneempresa"); ?> 
                                <?php echo $lista_cadastro[$i]->get("empresa1"); ?> 
                                <?php echo $lista_cadastro[$i]->get("fone1"); ?> 
                                <?php echo $lista_cadastro[$i]->get("empresa2"); ?> 
                                <?php echo $lista_cadastro[$i]->get("fone2"); ?> 
                                <?php echo $lista_cadastro[$i]->get("banco"); ?> 
                                <?php echo $lista_cadastro[$i]->get("agencia"); ?> 
                                <?php echo $lista_cadastro[$i]->get("conta"); ?> 
                                <?php echo $lista_cadastro[$i]->get("contatobanco"); ?> 
                                <?php echo $lista_cadastro[$i]->get("fonecontato"); ?> 



                        <?php $i++; 

            <a href="../index.php?act=sair">Sair</a>        
            <div class="linhaFina"></div>           

                <img src="imagens/editar_icon.jpg" alt="Editar" />

  • 1

    Hi Sergio, welcome :) Come on, how much do you know about PHP? You can already add content to your database and query it?

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1 answer


You must make a for and go adding lines to your table with the information that returned from the bank, come on:

The code below is responsible for generating the table rows, the header of this must be declared before. Let’s assume that in your database you have a table with the columns ID and NAME.

// $registro receberá uma posição do array $registros a cada iteração 
<?php foreach ($registros as $registro) : ?>
    // vamos entao criar uma nova linha na tabela
    // dentro de cada linha teremos duas colunas
        <td> <?php echo $registro['ID']; ?> </td>
        <td> <?php echo $registro['NOME']; ?> </td>
<?php endforeach; ?> // encerramos o laço.

Quite simple, no? In this case, every repetition of the for we are creating a new row so your table will "grow" vertically.

Hugs and welcome back.

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