ROOT-Cern import inside a virtual env and inside lxplus


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I need to use Condorht (CERN software) for my analysis, but the python macro I want it to work on has some libraries that cannot be imported into lxplus(Ern environment), so I created a virtual machine and so on:


$source venv/bin/activate     
$(env) pip install pandas #ok    
$(env) pip install tensorflow # ok    
$(env) pip install ROOT #(ROOT-CERN)

Cannot install !

Redundantly I do it:

$(venv) python3.6 # atual versão da lxplus  
>>> import pandas    
>>> import tensorflow    
>>> import ROOT
error: No found ROOT (se não instalou, não poderia importar)

Now out of the virtual env:

$(venv) deactivate

>>> import ROOT # ok
>>> import pandas ou tensorflow 
error: No found

I also tried via Conda, so I installed the Conda in a virtual env I tried to install it ROOT It was not possible , but I created another virtual env and installed the Conda , so I had the ROOT and it worked, but then I could not install pandas. Something else , in my terminal python3.8 and I have no problem with that macro, even within a virtualenv.

1 answer


In the documentation for the installation of Pyroot, NAY it is stated that it can be installed via `Pip install

For installation in the Conda, according to the same documentation, do:

$ conda create -c conda-forge --name <my-environment> root
$ conda activate <my-environment>
  • Hello Paul, thank you very much! However it did not work, I had already tried! Two things: 1)I tried the installation via Conda and it worked, but soon after I couldn’t install pandas and if I installed pandas in the virtual env before, then I can’t install via Conda. 2) pyROOT installs, but does not import, ROOT and several libraries I use.

  • Which SO you are using?

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