Good afternoon!
I have a table like this:
I need to perform a SELECT that counts how many records I have per month and year, but grouping together the "repeated" records...(Records repeated in this case are the records as id 1, 2 and 3 that have the same user id and a time close to 30 seconds maximum, as these 3 records).
I was able to perform a SELECT, but I can’t remove those repeats.
SELECT count(id), YEAR(data_hora), MONTH(data_hora) FROM teste GROUP BY MONTH(data_hora), YEAR(data_hora)
In this case, the records of the month 3 of 2021, should be grouped and instead of showing 3 records, should be only one...
I hope I have been able to explain, I accept suggestions to improve my question!
Ah, I’m using mariaDB 10.4.10
Thank you very much! Great answer, Ricardo. However, I still have a problem. Your SQL "groups" the same id_user if it occurs in the same month, and in fact, I can only group them together, when the difference between your schedules is 30 seconds. Example: if I have 3 user id 2 records, on the 15th, but their timestamps are different, 12/3/2021 10:00:00, 12/3/2021 10:00:05, 12/3/2021 09:00:00, in this case two should be grouped and one should not.
– Matheus Alves
look 30 seconds will take a lot of work, need calculations... if it is an interim unit, for example days, hours or minutes, can add in the first query, as well as year and Month,e will work. Already 30 seconds may need a third query. You can try to convert tb to timestamp and see how much is the value of 30s and round, but as I said, need calculation
– Ricardo Pontual
Good idea, I’ll try with 1 minute. Thank you very much, Ricado.
– Matheus Alves