There is a script in the R link that works perfectly in Rstudio. To automate it, it runs every Tuesday at 15:00, I decided to create a file. bat and schedule its execution by the task scheduler, with the following commands:
"C:\Program Files\R\R-3.5.1\bin\Rscript.exe" --vanilla "H:\COP\00 - PROJETOS\06 - Carteira (fase teste)\Testes Automacao\exportacaoPlanilhaBloomberg.R"
However, in the script there is a reference to an accented file, and when I run . bat, by cmd
`Erro: `path` does not exist: '//madreperola/GOP/COP/SALDO/SALDO FUNDO PREVIDENCIÃ?RIO.xlsm'`
I can not change the file name (BALANCE PENSION FUND.xlsm) because there are numerous other references to it, and not all made by me. Is there any other way to automate script execution, or resolve this issue without having to change the file name?
In the R script, the bat is just to run the same script!
– Flavio Silva