Send the result of two Mysql tables to a view (ejs)


Viewed 33 times


I am working with Ejs and Node.JS with Mysql. I need to move to a two table info calculation view, but I am facing this error:

app.get("/calc", (req, res)=>{
    Palpite.findAll().then(calc =>{
        res.render("calc/index", {calc: calc})
        RPalpite.findAll().then(rp =>{
            res.render("calc/index", {rp: rp})


Referenceerror: Rp is not defined

<% rp.forEach(rpal=>{ %>
      <th scope="row"><%= %></th>
      <th scope="row"><%= rpal.rp1 %></th>
      <th scope="row"><%= rpal.rp2 %></th>
      <th scope="row"><%= rpal.rp3 %></th>
      <th scope="row"><%= rpal.rp4 %></th>
      <th scope="row"><%= rpal.rp5 %></th>
<% }) %>
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1 answer


From what I understand, you want to add the two information in the template.

Here is an example of how it can be done:

app.get("/calc", (req, res)=>{
    Palpite.findAll().then(calc =>{
        req.calc = calc
        RPalpite.findAll().then(rp =>{
            res.render("calc/index", {rp: rp, rpal: req.calc })
  • It worked out thank you very much, excellent!!!

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