Doubt Function / Callback Golang


Viewed 36 times


Do I necessarily need to deal with Sponse for the function to be executed? As it stands it says that the variable "tweet" was declared but not used, but as it is a POST request, I see no point in dealing with the answer.

  //tokens auth
    httpClient := config.Client(oauth1.NoContext, token)
    api := twitter.NewClient(httpClient)
    tweet, resp, err := api.Statuses.Update("tweet teste", nil)

In the documentation there are no practical examples, only modes of use.

1 answer


In general, it makes sense to treat the answer. But if you don’t want to use the _.

That is, considering it has a function:

func SuaFuncao() (string, int, error) {
return "texto", 42, nil

This function returns three values, as well as the api.Statuses.Update. The order is always equal ((string, int, error)). Typically you would do:

resp, code, err := SuaFuncao()
if err != nil {
return err

However, if you don’t want to use the resp nor the code, swap for _:

_, _, err := SuaFuncao()
if err != nil {
return err

This will be enough to just get the err and ignore the other 2 values.

This is very common to use in loops, for example:

for _, v := range xxxxx {

The _ ignores the index of range. So you can always use this in any context.

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