How to calculate average students and show in percentage?


Viewed 214 times


I’m trying to create an algorithm in C# as it is in the exercises, in the visual studio, to calculate various average students and show students above average in percentage,I tried a code but this missing put the percentage,inserir a descrição da imagem aquisomeone could help me?

class Colegio
 static void Main(){
    double nota1,nota2,nota3,nota4,nota5,nota6,nota7,nota8,nota9;
    double media;

    Console.Writeline("Digite a primeira nota":);
    Console.Writeline("Digite a segunda nota":);
    Console.Writeline("Digite a terceira nota":);
    Console.Writeline("Digite a quarta nota":);
    Console.Writeline("Digite a quinta nota":);
    Console.Writeline("Digite a sexta nota":);
    Console.Writeline("Digite a setima nota":);
    Console.Writeline("Digite a oitava nota":);
    Console.Writeline("Digite a nona nota":);

    media = ( nota1 + nota2 + nota3 + nota4 + nota5 + nota6 + nota7 + nota8 + nota9) / 9;

   if(media >=70)
     Console.Writeline("Acima da média");
     Console.WriteLine("abaixo da média");

  • 40% = 0.4, for example 40% of 100, you make result = 0.4*100, result = 40

  • @Fourzerofive sorry for the question,?

  • Your interpretation of the problem is wrong. You are calculating average grades, when you should calculate the number of students with grades > 70. In the sample {50, 50, 70, 80, 100}, there are 2 students with grades > 70 and there are 5 students, so Voce would have to do 2/5 = 0.4 or 40%. And the students below would be 3/5= 0.6 or 60%

  • @Bernardolopes sorry Ernardo,?

  • @Bernardolopes understood now what you meant, the problem wants to know only who is above 70, and would you write the code for me ?

  • Increment a variable to count how many students above the average. and divide by the total of students. You’d need a loop running through each note and checking if(nota >70){tAlunoAcima ++}and in the end it only divides tAlunoAcima/total

  • If I understood correctly, the average 70 would be a sample only and the reading of the problem would be: >> media = (Nota1 + nota2 + nota3 + nota4 + nota5 + nota6 + nota7 + nota8 + nota9) / 9 Or total students is 9. After having the average grade, you will need to redeem the grades (Nota1, nota2 etc.) that are/are above this average, add the students who are above the average and then calculate the percentage with the following account: >> percentage = totalAlunosAcimaDaMedia / totalDeNotasAlunos;

  • @Bernardolopes I’ll try here.

  • I’m not very familiar with C#.

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2 answers


  class Colegio

    static void Main(string[] args)
        //voce nao sabe a quantia de notas que serao dadas então deve informar antes para criar um vetor para elas
        Console.WriteLine("Quantidade de notas a serem inseridas: ");
        int quantidade = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
        int i = 0;
        double acimaDaMedia=0;
        double media=0;
        double mediaTotal, porcentagem;
        double[] notas = new double[quantidade];
        //laço para informar as notas
        while (i != quantidade)
            Console.WriteLine("Digite a " +(i+1)+"ª nota");
            notas[i] = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());
        //laço para somar as notas
        for(int x=0; x< notas.Length; x++)
            media += notas[x];
          //equacao para descobrir o valor da media
        mediaTotal = media / quantidade;
        //laço para descobrir quantos estão acima da media
        for(int x = 0; x < notas.Length; x++) {
            if (notas[x] > mediaTotal)
       //equaçao para saber a porcentagem daqueles que estao acima da media
        porcentagem = (acimaDaMedia* 100) /quantidade;
        Console.WriteLine("a media é: "+ mediaTotal.ToString("F1"));
        Console.WriteLine("a porcentagem é: " + porcentagem.ToString("F3")+"%");
  • Thank you, I’ll study that code

  • Ok, any doubt or difficulty about the code, just comment here. Good study.

  • If this solution has helped you, mark this answer as accepted so that it is completed. Hug!


class Colegio
static void Main(){
    double nota1,nota2,nota3,nota4,nota5;
    int totalAluno = 5;
    int tAcima = 0;
    //double[] notas = new double[5];
    int[ ] notas = new int[]{ 50, 50, 70, 80, 100 };

    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
      if(notas[i] > 70){
    double perAcima = (double) (tAcima/totalAluno);
    double pAcima = perAcima * 100;
    double perAbaixo = (double) ( (totalAluno- tAcima) / totalAluno );
    double pAbaixo = perAbaixo * 100;

I couldn’t put Console.Write. I don’t have c# installed

  • @Bernado Lopes thanks anyway. =)

  • @Bernado Lopes I’m new in C# and java programming if you are programming a project with other groups of programmers, include me, my focus at the moment is to learn the most programming.

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