Generate JSON from a form with equal names


Viewed 25 times


I have the following list of inputs in a form:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

As you can see, each line has inputs with name static('idrequisica', 'idmaterial', etc)

<form method='POST' id='envia_dados' action='teste_post.php'>";

    foreach ($json as $key => $value) {
        $qtd_format = number_format($value->quantidade, 3, '.', '');

        echo "

                <td><input type=          'text'
                            name=         'idrequisicao'
                            class=        'idrequisicao'
                            readonly=     'readonly'
                            tabindex=     '-1'
                            value=        '$value->item'>

                <td><input type=          'text'
                            name=         'idmaterial'
                            class=        'idmaterial'
                            readonly=     'readonly'
                            tabindex=     '-1'
                            value=        '$value->idmaterial'>

                <td><input type=          'text'
                            name=         'descmaterial'
                            class=        'descmaterial'
                            readonly=     'readonly'
                            tabindex=     '-1'
                            value=        '$value->descmaterial'>

                <td><input type=          'text'
                            name=         'quantidade'
                            class=        'quantidade'
                            id=           'quantidade-$n'
                            readonly=     'readonly'
                            tabindex=     '-1'
                            value=        '$qtd_format'>

                <td><input type=          'number'
                            step=         '0.0001'
                            placeholder=  '0,0000'
                            name=         'valunit'
                            class=        'valores'                     
                            id_registro=  '$n'
                            tabindex=     '1'>

                <td><input type=          'number'
                            step=         '0.01'
                            placeholder=  '0,00'
                            min=          '0'
                            max=          '100'
                            name=         'icms'
                            class=        'icms'
                            id=           'icms$n'
                            id_registro=  '$n'
                            tabindex=     '1'>

                <td><input type=          'number'
                            step=         '0.01'
                            placeholder=  '0,00'
                            min=          '0'
                            max=          '100'
                            name=         'ipi'
                            class=        'ipi'
                            id=           'ipi$n'
                            id_registro=  '$n'
                            tabindex=     '1'>

                <td><input type=          'text'
                            name=         'total'
                            class=        'total'
                            id=           'total-$n'
                            tabindex=     '-1'
                            readonly=     'readonly'>

                    <p class=             'abre_observacao'
                             id=          'idobservacao$n'
                             id_registro= '$n'
                             tabindex=     '-1'>


                <td colspan='7'>
                        name=             'observacao'
                        class=            'observacao'
                        id=               'text_observacao$n'
                        id_registro=      '$n'
                        tabindex=         '-1'
                        placeholder=      'Digite aqui a sua observação...'></textarea>
        $n += 1;
    echo "</table>";

I would like to generate a JSON file, so it can be opened on this same screen but when I send all these parameters in the form, I can only follow the last line:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Using the code segment to view this content:

$n = 0;
$m = 0;

foreach($_POST as $query_string_variable => $value) {
    if ($n == $m + 9) {
        echo "-------------------------------------<br/>";
        $m += 9;

    echo "$query_string_variable  = $value <br/>";

I tried to generate in this way:

$dados = $_POST;
$dados_json = json_encode($dados, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
$path = "_js/_json/_requisicoes/";
$diretorio = dir($path);
$encontrado = 0;
while ($arquivo = $diretorio -> read()) {
    if ($idreq["id_req"] . "_r" . ".json" == $arquivo)  {
        $encontrado = 1;
    //echo $arquivo;
if ($encontrado == 1) {
    echo "<br/><h1>O arquivo já existe!</h1><br/>l";
} else {
    $diretorio -> close();
    $fp = fopen("_js/_json/_requisicoes/" . $idreq["id_req"] . "_r" . ".json", "a");
    $jswrite = fwrite($fp, $dados_json);   

But it keeps generating json with just the last line:

    {"idrequisicao":"026","idmaterial":"00.000.0057","descmaterial":"Material teste

I’m trying to get a json like this:

[{"item":"001","idmaterial":"00.000.0011","descmaterial":"Material teste
{"item":"002","idmaterial":"00.000.0042","descmaterial":"Material teste 
{"item":"003","idmaterial":"00.000.0039","descmaterial":"Material teste 

If anyone can give some light. Thank you!

2 answers


Transform the Names to the array format, the total for example would look like this: total[]. So you will have all the data in the post.


Transforming what there is from name to array facilitates and so will have all the necessary information.

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