< Error while consuming api using REST Debugger >


Viewed 127 times


I need to consume an api to integrate with a system developed in Delphi, it is necessary to pass information in the request header (key/value).

Api data:

Before implementing the request in Delphi tested via Postman and worked, as shown below: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

However, when testing by REST Debugger of Delphi is not working, I tried in several ways, what I am doing wrong? inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Could you help me?

  • In the image of the Postman who posted there are Hidden headers, could add these other headers on restdebugger. and check if it works. In the image you can see that there are 7 Hidden headers. But I think the header is missing: Content-Type: application/json

  • @Danizavtz would like to thank you, I followed your advice and put the Hidden headers that were on Postman on REST Debugger and it worked. I’m new to Stack Overflow, how do I classify this question as answered and associate it with your name? Thanks again.

1 answer


Since it was possible to make the request successfully via Postman. To try to solve this specific problem, one way is to click the button headers hidden on the Postman interface. Check which headers the Postman included and add to the Rest Debugger the same headers.

For that reason:

  • click the button headers hidden.
  • copy the Postman headers and paste the headers into the Rest Debugger.

At the end you should be able to request restdebugger if mandatory headers are present.

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