I will be as soon as possible in my question which is the following: I am working on a scheme where my C# program will list the names of the procedures and their respective parameters that were executed during the process and will be saved using the log4net
in a table. Well, I created a method in the class RequisicaoDTO
that will keep the name of the trial, but I am trying to pass inside this method the for
with the values of the parameters, because this procedure I will put in other places too, follows below everything I did:
public class RequisicaoDTO
public List<string> procedures = new List<string>();
public string ProcedureAuxiliar { get; set; }
public List<string> ProceduresAdd(string comando)
return procedures;
First method the program executes the information:
public long GerarNumeracaoPI(int tipo, DTO.RequisicaoDTO requisicao)
var numeroPI = new long();
//System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder builder = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder();
//string server = builder.DataSource;
//string database = builder.InitialCatalog;
using (var scope = new System.Transactions.TransactionScope())
using (var comando = db.GetStoredProcCommand("dbo.PR_P_GERA_PROXIMO_NUMERO_PI"))
db.AddInParameter(comando, "@TIP_PI", System.Data.DbType.String, tipo);
db.AddOutParameter(comando, "@PROXIMO_NUMERO", System.Data.DbType.Decimal, 10);
db.AddOutParameter(comando, "@CD_ERRO", System.Data.DbType.Decimal, 10);
db.AddOutParameter(comando, "@DS_ERRO", System.Data.DbType.String, 2060);
var auxNomeBase = comando.Connection.Database;
requisicao.ProcedureAuxiliar = $"Procedure: {comando.CommandText}" +
$"\nParâmetros: ";
for (int i = 0; i < comando.Parameters.Count; i++)
requisicao.ProcedureAuxiliar += $"\nNome:{comando.Parameters[i].ParameterName}, Tipo: {comando.Parameters[i].DbType}, Valor: {comando.Parameters[i].Value.ToString()}, Direção: {comando.Parameters[i].Direction}";
if (Convert.ToInt16(db.GetParameterValue(comando, "@CD_ERRO")) != 0)
throw new Exception($"Não fois possível obter número de apólice/endosso: {db.GetParameterValue(comando, "@DS_ERRO").ToString()} ");
numeroPI = Convert.ToInt64(db.GetParameterValue(comando, "@PROXIMO_NUMERO"));
return numeroPI;
This is the for
which reads the 4 parameters of proc and forms the result by concatenating the names:
for (int i = 0; i < comando.Parameters.Count; i++)
requisicao.ProcedureAuxiliar += $"\nNome:{comando.Parameters[i].ParameterName}, Tipo: {comando.Parameters[i].DbType}, Valor: {comando.Parameters[i].Value.ToString()}, Direção: {comando.Parameters[i].Direction}";
In this my method I pass to requisicao.ProceduresAdd(comando.CommandText);
only the name of the previous in the class method, would there be a way to access the previous files with C# in my class within the method or to pass everything at once? So I would only call my method in all the places they call procs, in public List<string> ProceduresAdd(string comando)
I already traded string
command by Object
command, when debugging shows the objects but did not scroll access the information of the Parameters.
Result would look like this in my method:
Nome:@TIP_PI, Tipo: String, Valor: 2, Direção: Input
Nome:@PROXIMO_NUMERO, Tipo: Decimal, Valor: 2120000110, Direção: Output
Nome:@CD_ERRO, Tipo: Decimal, Valor: 0, Direção: Output
Nome:@DS_ERRO, Tipo: String, Valor: , Direção: Output
Thanks guys, I hope I’ve been clear, a hug and I appreciate any help.