Recover column of a Join in view


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I have an appointment with Join and in both tables I have a column with the same name ds_observacao.

The tables are: cliente and ordem_servico.

Time to show on view, the value of this column returns me blank. Because it is searching the table column cliente. How do I return the value to make explicit what I want from the table ordem_servico?

I’ve tried to do that view:

echo $registros->ordem_servico->ds_observacao;

But to no avail.

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2 answers


I managed to solve using alias and specifying the columns in the select.

$this->db->select (' event_id, event_name, venue_id, venue_name');
$this->db->join('venues v' , ' = e.venue_id');
$query = $this ->db->get( 'events e');


I don’t know Codeigniter, but if you can change or write SQL directly try something similar to this:

  c.ds_observacao AS ds_observacao_cliente,
  os.ds_observacao AS ds_observacao_ordem_servico
FROM ordem_servico AS os
  JOIN cliente AS c ON (c.idCliente = os.idCliente)

That is to use an alias to refer to the fields in the query itself so when retrieving the fields you will refer to the alias and not the fields themselves.

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