Generate random emails


Viewed 137 times


I’m doing an exercise that I’m cracking head, I have to create random emails from object array with fictitious client data, using a part of the nome and of cpf and I’m not getting it, someone could explain to me a way to do.

let clientes = [ 
    { nome: 'Kelvin Silva Sena', cpf: '10286741474', email: '[email protected]', senha: 'passw:Abcd1234' },
    { nome: 'Amyson Jhonata Da Silva', cpf: '10287054411', email: '[email protected]', senha: 'passw:Abcd1234' },
    { nome: 'Matheus Correa Da Silva', cpf: '10287259498', email: '[email protected]', senha: 'passw:Abcd1234' },
    { nome: 'Janekely Batista Dos Santos', cpf: '10288003470', email: '[email protected]', senha: 'passw:Abcd1234' },
    { nome: 'Luan Marcondes Alves De Souza', cpf: '10288469402', email: '[email protected]', senha: 'passw:Abcd1234' },
    { nome: 'Neidi Lucia Ignacio', cpf: '35331701949 ', email: '[email protected]', senha: 'passw:Abcd1234' },
    { nome: 'Neidi Lucia Ignacio ', cpf: '35331701949', email: '[email protected]', senha: 'passw:Abcd1234' },
    { nome: 'Neidi Lucia Ignacio', cpf: '35331701949', email: '[email protected]', senha: 'passw:Abcd1234' },

//preciso criar uma função

function gerarEmail() {
    let dominios= ['', '', '']
    //funcao para gerar email aleatorio com partes do nome + cpf
    //examplo linha 1: [email protected]

  • and what the array clients are for?

1 answer


following by its array of clients...

function gerarEmail() {
    let dominios= ['', '', '']
    for(var i=0;i<clientes.length;i++){
        let label   = clientes[i].nome.split(' ');
        let email   = label[0]+clientes[i].cpf+dominios[Math.floor(Math.random() * 


I set up a loop FOR to iterate on each client of your listing, then I used the split javascript by breaking the name string of each client between spaces, generating an array that has been named here as a label. I concatenated the first position of this array, which comprises as the first name of each client with the whole Cpf. Then I just generated a random number that spans from zero to the total of items in your domain array, concatenating into the string variable email. Last I had print breaking a line.

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