Call and apply methods in functional composition


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I wanted to know how the methods call and apply behave, especially when one is passed as argument from another, and understand some of the logic of this code, mainly in the line in which they were called.

function compose(f, g) {
    return function () {
        return, g.apply(this, arguments)); /* não entendo essa linha */

var square = function (x) {
    return x * x;

var sum = function (x, y) {
    return x + y;

var squareofsum = compose(square, sum);
console.log(squareofsum(2, 3));

2 answers


The name of this resource is composition and is used mainly in functional programming, I did not find an article in Portuguese, in English has the article Function Composition on Wikipedia.

Essentially they consist of combining two or more functions into a third function that performs the other functions in a given order.

Its function compose makes composition of two other functions by returning a new function that combines the two that were passed as arguments. call and apply are used to allow this logic to happen.

Was used apply in the sum function, and the return of the sum used in the call of the power function.


First, one must understand what the function is compose which is implemented by the code. Note that it expects two arguments (two functions) and will return a new function - a composite function created from the composition of the two provided.

Note that the function compose returns a new function (the composite function):

function compose(f, g) {
  // Essa função é o resultado da composição de `f` e `g`.
  // Está sendo retornada.
  return function () {
    // ...

But note that this function being returned does not explicitly wait for any argument. So how can we call squareofsum passing arguments like 2 and 3? The arguments are being obtained from the object array-like arguments.

Looking a little deeper, we now come to this expression, which is the first to be evaluated:

g.apply(this, arguments);

She’s basically calling the function g passing the arguments you passed to the composite function. How arguments is an object array-like, the apply is ideal in this case, since apply accepts, in its second argument, an array of ordered parameters to be passed during the function application.

See this simple example to understand what happens:

function myFunc() {
  // Aplicaremos os argumentos à `console.log`:
  console.log.apply(console, arguments);

myFunc(1, 2, 3);

With that, the expression g.apply(this, arguments) return the function value g when applied using the arguments passed to the composite function.

Then this returned value will be used as argument for the function f. More simply, what is happening is this:

function compose(f, g) {
  return function () {
    const resultOfG = g.apply(this, arguments);
    return, resultOfG);

In short, this method of functional composition is basically to call f as a result of the application of g with some arguments. Something like this:

f(g(2, 3));

As a curiosity, the syntactic construction ... (in this context called parameters Rest) can make the use of arguments unnecessary most of the time. Another way to implement that compose is:

function compose(f, g) {
  return function (...args) {
    return f(g(...args));
  • 1

    my answer has a more direct approach but you detailed very well the explanation, great work

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