
Viewed 102 times


Personal I want to change the color of links after it is accessed and when returning to page it gets a color identifying that was accessed, but I want a css code for the theme dooplay, I do not know how to accomplish this.

Example of a site that already does what I want to do: https://maxseries.me/series-e-animes/lucifer/

Click on an episode then come back and notice that the link you visited will be marked.

I used the following code:

a:visited { padding-left: 14px; background: url(images/Checkmark.gif) left no-repeat; }

As I do not understand very well css I could not do the same as on the site I gave example.

If the code is wrong let me know.

  • What do you mean ? Would you like to click on a link and go to another page and then go back to the previous page and that link you clicked on earlier got a "clicked tag"? Post more details to take a look. Mainly some code part or revise your text a little.

  • Hello Jose. Dooplay would be the theme for Wordpress? This being the case your difficulty is not clear and not easy to know where you need it to work or which (is) link(s) you need the effect to be applied, It is important you [Dit], clarify the points simply and objectively and add a [mcve] of the problem, that is, a step by step of what you have already done and explain clearly and objectively what you need. DO NOT DELETE OR RECREATE THE QUESTION, JUST EDIT AND WAIT FOR THE REOPENING PROCESS. Thank you for understanding.

2 answers



a:visited {
    /* estilos para links visitados */


I’ll show an example with a link within a paragraph:

 a.link:visited {
 color: #232020;
    <p><a class="link" href="#">Nome do link</a></p>

  • 1

    I gave -1 because I thought it was unnecessary to create a "link" class for an a-href. It is like creating a "paragraph" class for a p, this classification is already implicit. Classes are used to classify in other ways. So the answer is effectively disinducating the reader.

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