Selection area with the mouse?


Viewed 90 times


I am developing the following code, to create an element selection area using the mouse.

var draggingMouse = false;
var leftMouseDrag, topMouseDrag;
$(document).on("mousedown mouseup", "#cloud_main_page", function(e){	
	if (e.type == "mousedown") {
		draggingMouse = true;
		var offset = $(this).offset();
		leftMouseDrag = e.pageX - offset.left;
		topMouseDrag = e.pageY -
		$("#cloud_main_page .cloud_mouse_selection").css({"top": topMouseDrag, "left" : leftMouseDrag});
	} else{
		draggingMouse = false;	
		$("#cloud_main_page .cloud_mouse_selection").removeAttr("style");
}).on("mousemove", "#cloud_main_page", function(e){
		var offsetDrag = $("#cloud_main_page .cloud_mouse_selection").offset();
		var top = e.pageY -;
		var left = e.pageX - offsetDrag.left;
		var width = Math.abs(left);
		var height = Math.abs(top);
		$("#cloud_main_page .cloud_mouse_selection").css({"width": width, "height": height});
#cloud_main_page .cloud_mouse_selection{	
	background-color:rgba(6, 217, 160, 0.05);
	border: 1px solid rgba(6, 217, 160, 0.3);	
<script src=""></script>
<div id="cloud_main_page">
  <div class="cloud_mouse_selection"></div>

It works well, as long as the user drags the mouse only from left to right and top to bottom, and this obviously won’t always be the same scenario... So, how could I do if the user decides to drag the mouse in different directions?

1 answer


Your mistake here is in always setting the properties top and left in the mousedown and not change afterwards, as there is no negative size, you could not make the box go up or left from the initial position.

The solution to your problem is simple, just set the left and top dynamically considering whether the X and Y coordinates of the mouse are currently larger or smaller than in the event mousedown, in this event we only save the initial coordinates. We treat separately X and Y, as the initial x may be greater than the current x while the current y is greater than the initial x.

Having this information, width and height will always be the distance from the starting point to the current mouse position, however left and top shall be the one with MINOR coordinates, in which case they shall be assigned by a ternary operation.

let draggingMouse = false;
let leftMouseDrag, topMouseDrag;
let startPosition;

$(document).on("mousedown mouseup", "#cloud_main_page", function(e) {
  if (e.type == "mousedown") {
    draggingMouse = true;
    var offset = $(this).offset();

    startPosition = {
      x: e.pageX - offset.left,
      y: e.pageY -

  } else {
    draggingMouse = false;
    $("#cloud_main_page .cloud_mouse_selection").removeAttr("style");

}).on("mousemove", "#cloud_main_page", function(e) {
  if (draggingMouse) {
    var offset = $(this).offset();

    const actualPosition = {
      x: e.pageX - offset.left,
      y: e.pageY -

    const width = Math.abs(actualPosition.x - startPosition.x);
    const height = Math.abs(actualPosition.y - startPosition.y);

    $("#cloud_main_page .cloud_mouse_selection").css({
      "width": width,
      "left": actualPosition.x > startPosition.x ? startPosition.x : actualPosition.x

    $("#cloud_main_page .cloud_mouse_selection").css({
      "height": height,
      "top": actualPosition.y > startPosition.y ? startPosition.y : actualPosition.y

#cloud_main_page {
  width: 400px;
  height: 400px;
  position: relative;
  background: #eee;

#cloud_main_page .cloud_mouse_selection {
  position: absolute;
  background-color: rgba(6, 217, 160, 0.05);
  border: 1px solid rgba(6, 217, 160, 0.3);
<script src=""></script>
<div id="cloud_main_page">
  <div class="cloud_mouse_selection"></div>

  • This code is still capable of improvement, however I limited myself to answer the question, if you want extra help at any time, my contact is in my portfolio

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