I make a call via API to an application service, which returns some information from my product. It is working OK, however, whenever I click on the button, the table is fed, or is done apend of all content. I want the call to be made only once or that even if I click the button several times, the append is not done if I already have the information.
SECOND CLICK - Already increased
Follow the HTML and Javascript codes.
You can help in a solution??
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////BOTÃO AMBIENTE//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
$(document).ready(function() {
var urlapi = '';
var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhttp.open("GET", urlapi, false);
var obj = JSON.parse(xhttp.responseText);
var data_map = new Map();
var index = 0;
var objLength = obj.length;
for (var i = 0; i < objLength; i++) {
if(data_map.has(obj[i].hostGroup.name)) {
data_map.set(obj[i].hostGroup.name, data_map.get(obj[i].hostGroup.name) + +obj[i].consumedHostUnits);
else {
data_map.set(obj[i].hostGroup.name, +obj[i].consumedHostUnits);
const objConverted = Object.fromEntries(data_map);
var myJSON = JSON.stringify(objConverted);
function montaTabelaLicencas(licencasConsumidas, hostGroup) {
var newRow = $('<tr class="linha-table">');
var cols = "";
cols += '<td class="hostgroup" id="hostgroup">' + hostGroup + '</td>';
cols += '<td class="quantidade" id="quantidade">' + licencasConsumidas + '</td>';
return false;
$(document).ready(function() {
let tdsValores = document.querySelectorAll('.quantidade')
let total = 0
for (let i = 0; i < tdsValores.length; i++) {
let valor = parseFloat(tdsValores[i].textContent)
total = total + valor}
document.getElementById("div-mostra-total-licencas").innerHTML = "Licenças Utilizadas: " + total;
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////BOTÃO SERVIDOR//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
$(document).ready(function() {
var urlapi = '';
var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhttp.open("GET", urlapi, false);
var obj = JSON.parse(xhttp.responseText);
var data_map = new Map();
var index = 0;
var objLength = obj.length;
for (var i = 0; i < objLength; i++) {
if(data_map.has(obj[i].displayName)) {
data_map.set(obj[i].displayName, data_map.get(obj[i].displayName) + +obj[i].consumedHostUnits);
else {
data_map.set(obj[i].displayName, +obj[i].consumedHostUnits);
const objConverted = Object.fromEntries(data_map);
var myJSON = JSON.stringify(objConverted);
function montaTabelaLicencas(licencasConsumidas, displayName) {
var newRow = $('<tr class="linha-table">');
var cols = "";
cols += '<td class="hostgroup" id="hostgroup">' + displayName + '</td>';
cols += '<td class="quantidade" id="quantidade">' + licencasConsumidas + '</td>';
return false;
$(document).ready(function() {
let tdsValores = document.querySelectorAll('.quantidade')
let total = 0
for (let i = 0; i < tdsValores.length; i++) {
let valor = parseFloat(tdsValores[i].textContent)
total = total + valor}
document.getElementById("div-mostra-total-licencas").innerHTML = "Licenças Utilizadas: " + total;
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The problem is exactly what you mentioned, whenever I click on the button, lines that already existed are included. I made this change, but it did not roll.
– Rodrigo Biaggio
Another thing, the two button has the function of showing the table with from a system view and another a view by servers.
– Rodrigo Biaggio
use the following function to assemble your table, passing the object with the data. so you will add all rows always only once. Function montaTabelLicencas(obj) { Let Rows = ' for(Let item of obj){ Rows +=

 <tr class="linha-table">
 <td class="hostgroup" id="hostgroup">${item.hostGroup}</td>
 <td class="quantidade" id="quantidade">${item.licencasConsumidas}</td>
} $("#table-licencas"). html(Rows); Return false; };– Luka Quinellato
I think the problem with your code being added to the old value is that it’s actually listing the data again
– Luka Quinellato
I left it like this: Function montaTabelLicencas(displayname,licencasConsumidas) { Let Rows = '; for (Let item of obj){ Rows +=
<tr class="linha-table"> <td class="hostgroup" id="hostgroup">${item.displayName}</td> <td class="quantidade" id="quantidade">${item.licencasConsumidas}</td> </tr>
} $("#table-licencas"). html(Rows); Return false; }; But returns the error below: api-get-hosts.js:84 Uncaught Referenceerror: obj is not defined– Rodrigo Biaggio
ah yes, then you’ll have to organize your code to pass the right parameter, maybe, for example, you won’t need the "data_map" since you will pass the object directly to the function. it would be responsible for going through the JSON and taking the data needed to create the listing as I put in the "Rows" variable in "item.licencasConsumidas" where "item" is a JSON key (obj) which is the return of the API.
– Luka Quinellato