C# - How to clear the "cache" of Visual Studio 2017 without having to close and reopen the program?


Viewed 471 times


When I make a change to a library in Visual Studio Community 2017 I need to close the program and open again for the changes to take effect.

The change I’m making is the documentation of a library (.dll) and generating the file . corresponding xml (checking checkbox in Properties > Build > Output).

I tried "Clean Solution" and "Rebuild" in the application that is consuming the library but the documentation is not displayed in the IDE until I restart it. I imagine it is some kind of "cache". Is there any "simple" way to resolve this issue?

  • Try switching from debug to release or vice versa, and then clean

  • You generate xml via a custom tool or by checkbox output in build?

  • By the same checkbox

1 answer


To clear the Visual Studio cache, go to the path below:

C:\Users\SeuUsuario\AppData\Local\Temp\Temporary ASP.NET Files

or by the enforceable:

%Temp%\Temporary ASP.NET Files

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