How do I search for Angular 8 id?


Viewed 151 times


Brought information from api by id, but I put it right into ngOnInit within the method the number of the id. I wanted to know how to search for these products in the input when pressing the button?

I have the service that brings the products by API id

listarProdutos(id: number):Promise<IResponse<any>>{
return this.http.get<IResponse<any>>(`mercado/produto/${id}`).toPromise();

And the Component you are receiving is as follows:

public produtos: ProdutosModel = [];

ngOnInit(): void{

contrutor(private produtoService: ProdutoService){}

this.produtoService.listarProdutos(id).then(response => {
this.produtos =;

And HTML is like this:

<input type="text"> <button (click)="buscar">Buscar</button>

<table *ngFor="let produtos of produtos">
<td>data vencimento</td>

I also have the model

export class ProdutosModel{
id: number;
nome: string;
dataVencimento: string

1 answer


It is very simple this, indeed it has several ways of doing, one of them is passing a variable template in the input and pass the value that is entered in the function parameter fetch():

<input type="text" #ID> <button (click)="buscar(ID)">Buscar</button>

In function fetch() vc executes the service according to the value received in the parameter:

public produtos: ProdutosModel[] = [];

ngOnInit(): void{}

construtor(private produtoService: ProdutoService){}

  this.produtoService.listarProdutos(id).then(response => {
    this.produtos =;

buscar(id: any){
  let _id = id.value;


OBS: The most correct parameter in the listProducts() method in the service is to be of the type string and not number, pq will take this parameter from a input, and every value of an input type is string.

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