Change field after filling the zip code - Html/Js


Viewed 57 times


Personal have a form with the zip code field it after filling it should jump to the number field automatically.

                <div class="form-row">
                    <div class="form-group col-md-2">
                        <label for="cidade">CEP</label> <input type="text"
                        title="Preencha o campo Cep" required name=cep
                            class="form-control" id="cep" 
                            th:field="*{cep}" />
                        <div class="invalid-feedback"></div>
  • Well, I would recommend inserting your text fields into an array, then adding to it an event, every time you go through some change in value (onchange), call a function that checks if the field is filled, and if so, change the style.focus for the next field, with the next index in the matrix.

1 answer


When it reaches the maximum number of characters in the input of the CEP he loses focus with the blur() and the input number wins focus with a focus().


function foco() {

var cep = document.getElementById('cep')
var num = document.getElementById('numero')

    if (cep.value.length == 9 ) {

<label for="cep">CEP: </label> <input onkeyup="foco()" id="cep" type"txt" maxlength="9" minlength="9" required>
<label for="number">NÚMERO: </label> <input id="numero" type="text" minlength="9"
maxlength="11" >

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