error when calculating PHP validate date


Viewed 46 times


Hello person I’m having a little trouble calculating valid dates

Calculating days

function CalculaDias($xDataInicial, $xDataFinal){
   $time1 = dataToTimestamp($xDataInicial);  
   $time2 = dataToTimestamp($xDataFinal);  

   $tMaior = $time1>$time2 ? $time1 : $time2;  
   $tMenor = $time1<$time2 ? $time1 : $time2;  

   $diff = $tMaior-$tMenor;  
   $numDias = $diff/86400; 
   return $numDias;

Calculating useful days

function DiasUteis($yDataInicial,$yDataFinal){

  $diaFDS = 0; //dias não úteis(Sábado=6 Domingo=0)
  $calculoDias = CalculaDias($yDataInicial, $yDataFinal); //número de dias entre a data inicial e a final
  $diasUteis = 0;
     $diaSemana = date("w", dataToTimestamp($yDataInicial));
     if($diaSemana==0 || $diaSemana==6){
        //se SABADO OU DOMINGO, SOMA 01
     //senão vemos se este dia é FERIADO
        for($i=0; $i<=11; $i++){
     $yDataInicial = Soma1dia($yDataInicial); //dia + 1
return $calculoDias - $diaFDS;

the problem is time to make the calculation of difference of days... I’m using this stretch to catch the first and last day of the month

//primeiro dia do mes
$date = new DateTime('now');
$date->modify('first day of this month');
$primeiro = $date->format('d/m/Y');
//ultimo dia do mes
$date = new DateTime('now');
$date->modify('last day of this month');
$ultimo= $date->format('d/m/Y');

then after taking the two values is returning and calling the function

$diasUteis = DiasUteis($DataInicial, $DataFinal);
$diasNormal = CalculaDias($DataInicial, $DataFinal);

What’s happening is, it returns like this

30 days between 01/12/2020 and 31/12/2020; 21 working days between 01/12/2020 and 31/12/2020;

then you mean he’s ignoring it one day... I already took a look at other posts but the same problem is happening, in this case is skipping a useful day, someone can help me ?

  • "30 days between 01/12/2020 and 31/12/2020" - It makes sense. If you are on day 1 and add up 30 days, the result is day 31. So the difference between days 1 and 31 is 30 days. Of course date arithmetic is confusing and often counter-intuitive, and each language/API usually does the calculations the way it thinks best. But anyway, this is the way PHP calculates, and if you want it to consider an extra day, you have to add 1 manually.

2 answers


The algorithm is correct. The methods are calculating the difference of days between one date and another and not the amount of days in that interval. If you need to know how many days we have within a range, you only need to add +1 day in the algorithm that calculates the difference between them;

An example is: $dia1 = 01/12/2020; $dia2 = 02/12/2020;

The difference in days between $dia2 and $dia1 is 1 day only. But the number of days between $dia1 and $dia2 (including extremes) is 2 days;

  • I think so would solve, but already makes a function that adds another day within the function calculates days has, sum+1

  • your comment was not incorrect, but I needed to add another day beyond the sum made, thank you


I was able to solve by calculating days the sum of an extra day beyond the sum of the calculated same day

function dataToTimestamp($data){
   $ano = substr($data, 6,4);
   $mes = substr($data, 3,2);
   $dia = substr($data, 0,2);
return mktime(0, 0, 0, $mes, $dia+1, $ano);  

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