Format result with concatenated field


Viewed 87 times


I need to bring from my database a TIMEDIFF with field formatted like this: 12:50 (hours and minutes). I use the following excerpt:

CONCAT(HOUR(TIMEDIFF(Campo.expired,NOW())),":",MINUTE(TIMEDIFF(Campo.expired,NOW()))) AS expired

My problem is that when the time is only 1 digit, the result is like this: 2:4 (2 hours and 40 minutes). I need to display this date correctly, that is, 02:40.

I have tried using DATE_FORMAT inside CONCAT, unsuccessfully.

  • The column expired is what kind? How did you try to use the DATE_FORMAT?

1 answer


You don’t need to use CONCAT to do this.

It can be done like this:


This will calculate the difference between dates in seconds, turn the seconds into TIME and use TIME_FORMAT to format the way you want (e.g. 02:40)

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