Entity Framework trying to insert duplicate record


Viewed 54 times


I am starting an application in Blazor, using Entity Framework and Mysql database.

Below I will detail the Tables, Models, Context and Method that is presenting me problem:

Tables: https://i.stack.Imgur.com/d8UMW.png


public class ContextoEtapa : Contexto
    public DbSet<Etapa> Etapa { get; set; }


public class Etapa 
    public int Id { get; set; }

    public string Descricao { get; set; }

    public bool Ativo { get; set; }

    public bool Finalizadora { get; set; }

    public virtual List<EtapaVinculada> ListaEtapaVinculada { get; set; }

public class EtapaVinculada
    public int Id { get; set; }

    public string Descricao { get; set; }

    public int EtapaPaiId { get; set; }

    public virtual Etapa EtapaPai { get; set; }

    public int EtapaFilhaId { get; set; }

    public virtual Etapa EtapaFilha { get; set; }

Example code that fails (Innerexception = {"Duplicate entry '2' for key 'PRIMARY'"}):

public void Adicionar()
        var etapa = new Etapa();
        var etapaVinculada = new EtapaVinculada();

        etapa.ListaEtapaVinculada = new List<EtapaVinculada>();
        etapa.Descricao = "Aprovada";

        using (var contexto = new ContextoEtapa())
            etapaVinculada.EtapaPai = etapa;
            etapaVinculada.EtapaFilha = contexto.Etapa.Where(x => x.Id == 2).FirstOrDefault();
            etapaVinculada.Descricao = "Retornar para Desenvolvimento";


        using (var contexto = new ContextoEtapa())
    catch (Exception excp)
        throw excp;

Note: These are examples codes that reflect a real situation of my application. In my case I fill the step object at a given time using a context scope, and then to save in the database I use another context scope, then falling into the Duplicate record error (Innerexception = {"Duplicate entry '2' for key 'PRIMARY'"}). It seems to me that the Entity tries to insert again in the table of steps the object of the ID 2 window.
Note: If I do everything within the same context scope it works correctly.

Can someone give me a light and see where I’m going wrong, please.

1 answer


  • I tried in the past, but just in case I tried again and without success. Same duplicity error.

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