I need to extract information from HIVE or Hue by generating a CSV file, I have tried some commands for both Hive and the Hue application but without success. Has anyone ever done anything like that? In advance, thanks for the help.
I need to extract information from HIVE or Hue by generating a CSV file, I have tried some commands for both Hive and the Hue application but without success. Has anyone ever done anything like that? In advance, thanks for the help.
As recalled for this Wiki reply, the command beeline
allows to query and generate the result in CSV.
You can "save a little something" for copy/glue or (strongly suggest) keep a standard command name in your file .bashrc
(see link indicated). For example:
alias bl_exe_csv='beeline -u "jdbc:hive2://aaats879454co.sistema.br:10000/sistema" tez.queue.name=Desenvolvedores -n usuario01 --silent=true --outputformat=dsv --delimiterForDSV=";" -e';
Then Voce can run without bureaucracy in the terminal:
bl_exe_csv "SELECT 123 AS x UNION ALL SELECT 456" > lixo.csv
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