Origin/master problem in git when trying to commit


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I’m trying to commit to updating a project in git, but I always end up having the same problem,he doesn’t because he claims that origin/master has different commits each. I followed what the program says to do,.

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2 answers


You have changes you haven’t done Stage yet, so you can’t commit

  1. First of a git add .
  2. Then you commit normally and give a git pull
  3. then you can give a git push normally

I believe this will solve your problem.


You first have to add the files you want to add to the repository with your commit, after you write the commit and git push.

You can give a git status to view the files that have been modified;

Then you can use git add [filename] to add unique files, or git add --all . to add all the files that have been modified;

Now you write the commit using git commit -m "seu commit";

Now just use it git push or git push <link do seu repositório>.

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