This snippet of code saves the themes of a record. However, when I edit a record by adding a new client, the last theme of that record duplicates. That is, every time I edit a record it duplicates the theme of that record. In the example below I clicked on edit, but did not do any editing, only saved without changes.
This is the editing screen
And this is the screen of the themes: See that in the second image he duplicated the theme of the customers that had in the record.
for (int j = 0; j < dadosTela.listaIdCliente.Count(); j++) {
//salvar os tema se o cliente não tem
using(var conexao3 = new ferbaEntities()) {
int ClienteId = dadosTela.listaIdCliente[j];
var tbTemasTela = conexao3.tbTema.Where(x => x.FgApagado == 0 && x.FgAtivo == 1 && x.IdCliente == ClienteId && x.IdTema == dadosTela.tema.IdTema).OrderBy(x => x.DsTema).ToList();
if (tbTemasTela.Count() == 0) {
var tbNewTemasTela = conexao3.tbTema.Where(x => x.FgApagado == 0 && x.FgAtivo == 1 && x.IdTema == dadosTela.tema.IdTema).OrderBy(x => x.DsTema).ToList();
var tema = new tbTema();
tema.DsTema = tbNewTemasTela[0].DsTema;
tema.DsRGB = tbNewTemasTela[0].DsRGB;
tema.IdCor = tbNewTemasTela[0].IdCor;
tema.IdCliente = dadosTela.listaIdCliente[j];
tema.FgApagado = 0;
tema.FgAtivo = 1;