Vue JS - How to display a list interspersed between property and value?


Viewed 63 times


I have this list as an object:

let app = new Vue({
        nome: 'Nome Completo',
        email: '',
        cpf: '',
        rg: '',
        tel: '(xx) x xxxx-xxxx'

And I need to display in a td (in a single line) inside the tr and table. Example: Name: Full Name Email: CPF: RG: Tel: (xx) x xxxx-xxxx

But the closest I got was:

                <td v-for="(value, name, index) in lista">

Only this way the name (property) is within the same td as the value, but I need the property to occupy its own td and the value also.

  • try using template or a new component for v-for

  • I ended up putting two div inside the td, then I could organize better.

3 answers


    <tr v-for="(value, name, index) in lista">
        <td class="propriedade">{{name}}</td>
        <td class="valor">{{valor}}</td>

If the item to be iterated is the line, then this should solve your problem

  • I tried to do so, but the problem is that I wanted to dispose of the information laterally and not vertically. Then I decided to use div’s inside td.


If you’re not going to show tabular data, theoretically you wouldn’t even need to use a table to show your data side by side.

But if you need it the same way, or someone who gets here needs it, you can use the tag <template> with v-for to render "no parent" tags. See documentation.

The tag <template> will work as a DocumentFragment and serve as a container tag "ghost".


let app = new Vue({
 el: '#app',
 data: {
    dados: {
        nome: 'Nome Completo',
        email: '',
        cpf: '',
        rg: '',
        tel: '(xx) x xxxx-xxxx'
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
        <template v-for="(value, name, index) in dados">
          <th>{{ name }}</th>
          <td>{{ value }}</td>


I ended up doing this way to be able to separate visually and to be able to make an edition.

                <td v-for="(value, name, index) in lista">
                    <div class="propriedade">{{name}}</div>
                    <div class="valor">{{value}}</div>
  • If you are going to make an issue of the question, directly edit the question, do not use the answer field, because it inhibits others to answer

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