Error in excel vba, using . offset, to search for products in a spreadsheet


Viewed 35 times


Hello, I’m trying to learn Excel vba to help my father in his company, I use the version of excel 2016, in the code I built following the course, it was time to enter the product code, it shows the manufacturer, number and part name, But he only recognizes the first line of the spreadsheet where the products are, I hope you help me, I thank you already! Code:

Private Sub Btnconsultar_Click()

 Dim EmpFound As Range
 With Range("Códigos_valv")
 Set EmpFound = .Find(Me.Txt_cod.Value)
 If EmpFound Is Nothing Then
    MsgBox "Válvula não encontrada", vbCritical, "Consultar válvula"
    Me.Txt_cod.Value = ""
    With Range(EmpFound.Address)
    Me.Txt_numero = .Offset(0, 1)
    Me.Txt_nomeval = .Offset(0, 2)
    Me.Txt_fabri = .Offset(0, 3)
    On Error Resume Next
    Me.Ifoto1.Picture = LoadPicture("C:\Users\Usuario\Desktop\RRG Type\para converter\Imagens para cadastro\Imagens válvulas\" & EmpFound & ".jpg")
    On Error GoTo 0
    End With
 End If
End With

 Set EmpFound = Nothing   
End Sub

1 answer



Please, could you provide more details of the reason for using the VBA in this case? I ask, because as it comes to the search for a product for a unique code, the use of =PROCV(VLOOKUP) in the spreadsheet would bring all the information you need (if necessary, I show here how it could be applied).

Also, reading the code, there seems to be a need to load an image as well. This image would also need to be loaded via vba for some specific reason?

As soon as you can answer here, I can give a more concrete solution to your problem.

At you.,

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