What is the difference between SQL Server, Mysql and other SQL?


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I would like to know more clearly what are the main differences between SQL Server, PL/SQL and Mysql, and what are their main strengths/weaknesses.

  • 3

    SQL Server and Mysql are Dbms (Database Management System), the first from Microsoft and the second from Oracle, which, like many other Dbms, adopt the SQL (Structured Query Language) standard as definition and manipulation language. SQL is a declarative paradigm programming language. PLSQL is a procedural paradigm language implemented for the ORACLE database. Here: https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparativo_entre_sistemas_gerenciadores_de_bancos_de_dados_relationals you can find a comparison between Relational DBMS.

1 answer


SQL Server is the name of a product of database microsoft. Obviously it uses SQL as query language and is mainly relational model (it uses other models too, can even be used as variations of Nosql despite not having all the resources).

Mysql is an Oracle product to do the same thing, we can say that they are competitors. Of course a lot is different between products, but both follow the relational model and have an SQL language, although be very different from each other (see more).

PL/SQL is a database-specific programming language Oracle from Oracle. Note that it is another product, different from Mysql. PL/SQL is not a database, it is only the programming language and it is different from the SQL of these other products. Of course the basics are the same, but there are several differences when it comes out of the basics.

Even PL/SQL has extensions to SQL that makes it a programming language. SQL alone is not enough to be a programming language.

SQL Server has a language called T-SQL (Transact-SQL) which would be the equivalent of PL/SQL, ie, is a complete programming language to use primarily in stored procedures of SQL Server.

Then it becomes difficult to compare a programming language with a database. You could compare SQL Server to Mysql, but anyone who tries will probably be biased or at least only get a few points.

SQL Server is paid for in most versions, but not at all. Mysql is free in general, but it takes some care with the use, it is not as free as people imagine. But there’s Mariadb that’s almost the same and it’s freer.

SQL Server is seen as a more complete and powerful product, doing more optimizations while Mysql is simpler and can be more efficient if one knows how to use well, and has certain flexibilities different from the previous product. And both are their advantages and disadvantages, not something manichaean.

Data volume is no problem for both. There are several cases that show this clearly. How one works with them will determine his ability.

Just because something has SQL in the name does not mean that they are the same thing, even Nosql has SQL in the name and means the opposite (or almost, this is so messy that it has Nosql that it has SQL).

  • Thank you. That was really the clearest answer for me. I believe that this is not just a question of mine, after all...

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