How can I take the attributes of the person class and instantiate them in the medical class and then display it? The doctor and the patient are people and both have class attributes Pessoa
. I left some attributes as private because they are sensitive data.
class Pessoa:
def __init__(self, nome, rg, cpf, telefone):
self.nome = nome
self.__rg = rg
self.__cpf = cpf
self.telefone = telefone
def get_cpf(self):
return self.__cpf
def set_cpf(self, cpf):
self.__cpf = cpf
return self.__cpf
def get_rg(self):
return self.__rg
def set_rg(self, rg):
self.__rg = rg
return self.__rg
def exibir_dados():
class Medico(Pessoa):
def __init__(self, nome, rg, cpf, telefone, crm, salario, especialidade):
super().__init__(nome, rg, cpf, telefone)
self.crm = crm
self.salario = salario
self.especialidade = especialidade
def dados_medico(self):
print('Telefone: ', self.telefone)
print('CRM: ', self.crm)
print('Salário: ', self.salario)
print('Especialidade: ', self.especialidade)
class Paciente(Pessoa):
def __init__(self, nome, rg, cpf, telefone, endereco, nascimento):
super().__init__(nome, rg, cpf, telefone)
self.endereco = endereco
self.nascimento = nascimento
medico_01 = Medico('Fulano de Tal', 12345647, 99933366645,
1199553644, '1111/SP', 2500.50, 'Ortopedista')
Yes, I have been studying about private attributes and how to access them from another class. Thank you very much,
– djgrivas