how to do how much clicking on the title goes to a full text page


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i’m blogging using html,css and php but I don’t know how to do it for when I click on the title of the report be directed to a page with full text, same as the news portals. that when you click on the title of the report you go to a page with a different link and the full text. any doubt to answer the question and only ask.

<section class="postagens">


        /*sistema de pesquisa no blog*/
            $pesquisa = $_POST['titulos'];          

            $sql = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM posts WHERE titulo LIKE '%$pesquisa%'");


            $info = $sql->fetchAll();


     <div class="container">
                /*pega todos as postagens no banco de dado*/
                foreach ($info as $key => $value) {
                    $titulos = $value['titulo'];
                    $resumo = $value['resumo'];
                    $imagem = $value['imagem']; 
                    <div id="box">
                        <?php echo '<p> <img  src=" ' .$imagem. ' "></p> ' ?>
                        <?php echo "<h3>".$titulos."</h3>"?>
                        <?php echo '<p class="resumos">'.$resumo.'</p>' ?>
        <div class="clear"></div>
  • then, you select the report, then add the information on the page.

1 answer


Good night.

This is very common for news sites, I recommend you pass the news id through a GET and create a specific page to display news.

In this code that seems to me to be your home, it would only be necessary to involve your title with a link (something like <a href='url_da_pagina?id=id_noticia'>), but I’ll add some tips to improve your code.

On your home page

Starting with your database search. Assuming $_POST['titulos'] is a user input, I recommend using bindValue() this helps prevent SQL injections, my recommendation is NEVER PUT USER INPUT DIRECTLY INTO YOUR QUERY.

/*sistema de pesquisa no blog*/
    $pesquisa = $_POST['titulos'];          
    $sql = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM posts WHERE titulo LIKE '%$pesquisa%'");
    $info = $sql->fetchAll();

I recommend you switch to that:

   /*sistema de pesquisa no blog*/
      //$pesquisa = $_POST['titulos'];          
      $sql = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM posts WHERE titulo LIKE :pesquisa");
      $sql->bindValue(':pesquisa', "%{$_POST['titulos']}%");
      $info = $sql->fetchAll();

Now to link to the page:

<div class="container">
      /*pega todos as postagens no banco de dado*/
      foreach ($info as $key => $value)
         /*$titulos = $value['titulo'];
         $resumo = $value['resumo'];
         $imagem = $value['imagem'];*/
         echo "<div id='box'>";
               echo "<p> <img  src='{$value['imagem']}'></p>";
               echo "<h3><a href='meu_link?id_noticia={$value['id_noticia']}'>{$value['titulo']}</a></h3>";
               echo "<p class='resumos'>{$value['resumo']}</p>";
         echo "</div>";
   <div class="clear"></div>

The important part is to surround your title with a tag <a>, where it is written 'meu_link' is the url for the new news page and the ?id_noticia={$value['id_noticia']} is to assemble the GET, otherwise I just changed the structure of the code to get more organized (in my opinion).

On your news page (that will have to be created)

Now to take this news specifically:

       /*Buscar notícia em especifico */
          $sql = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM posts WHERE id_noticia = :id");
          $sql->bindValue(':id', $_GET['id_noticia']);
          $ret = $sql->fetchAll();
          //Se não tiver o $_GET['id_noticia']

Then just mount the html with the result

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