How to compare two chained lists in C?


Viewed 1,519 times


Guys, I have a problem with this issue:

-I have to compare two chained lists and return 1 if they are equal or 0 if they are not.

The function is like this and I can’t progress:

  struct Node
 int data;
 struct Node *next;

 int CompareLists(Node *headA, Node* headB) 
  /*se as duas forem vazias*/
   if(headA->next==NULL && headB->next==NULL) 
   return 1; 
   if(headA->next==NULL || headB->next==NULL) 
   return 0; 
   while(headA->next!=NULL && headB->next!=NULL) 
   return 0; 
   return 1; 


I think the problem is going through the list (headA=headA->next), but I don’t know how to do it. Someone can help me?

  • 1

    Equally, you define the same content in the same order?

  • 1

    Do not update the question code with answer code, as this invalidates any answers given so far, and is not the way Stackoverflow works.

  • @Isac already got a lot of thanks. Sorry for the inconvenience.

2 answers


To compare lists you need to go through the lists until you reach a conclusion. This while will only end when at least one of them reaches NULL (which will be tested at while) soon:

while(headA->next != NULL && headB->next != NULL){
    headA = headA->next;
    headB = headB->next;

These are the last lines, ie when headA is in the penultimate structure (ie headA->next or NULL), the while will not be performed because headA reached the penultimate and headB no:

while(0 && 1) => while(0)

I mean, iteration’s over. When iteration is over, the function gives no answer, it simply exits because the only outputs the function has are if’s

int CompareLists(Node *headA, Node* headB) 
   /*se as duas forem vazias*/
   if(headA->next==NULL && headB->next==NULL) 
       return 1; 
   if(headA->next==NULL || headB->next==NULL) 
       return 0; 
   while(headA->next!=NULL && headB->next!=NULL) 
           return 0; 
           return 1; 

  • I changed the Return 1 and put after the { do while and took the Else, however, the output is different than expected. It is with the output 1 1 1 1 and has to return 1 0 0 according to what is in the exercise.

  • 2

    while with return in the if and in the else ? Your Energy would not before be out of the while ? And the =! would not be != ?

  • 1

    what @Isac said is true, =! does not exist... or is == ! or is != In the edit I put my way to test if 2 lists are equal. If you want to test my form to see if it is right, do it. If it is correct, read it and understand it. Send me a message and I will help you. I don’t have much experience with lists, but I will do my best to help you.

  • Thanks for the personal observation, but it keeps giving error. Is there any condition? I will edit the code there above

  • 1

    @YODA the first iteration (within while) will give 1 due to Else

  • @Darkgv now changed the code of a look up there.

  • @YODA meta at end of function Return 1 and test sff

Show 2 more comments


#include <string.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct No
    int nConteudo;
    struct No *prox;

typedef TNo* TLista;

void liberar_memoria(TLista p);

void verificaPar(TLista p1, TLista p2);

void mostraLista(TLista p1, TLista p2);
int main(void)
    TLista pNo1 = NULL;
    TLista pNo2 = NULL;
    TLista pNo3 = NULL;
    TLista pNo4 = NULL;
    TLista pNo5 = NULL;
    TLista pNo6 = NULL;
    pNo1 = (TLista) malloc(sizeof(TLista));
    pNo1->nConteudo = 110;
    pNo2 = (TLista) malloc(sizeof(TLista));
    pNo2->nConteudo = 210;
    pNo3 = (TLista) malloc(sizeof(TLista));
    pNo3->nConteudo = 310;
    pNo4 = (TLista) malloc(sizeof(TLista));
    pNo4->nConteudo = 110;
    pNo5 = (TLista) malloc(sizeof(TLista));
    pNo5->nConteudo = 210;
    pNo6 = (TLista) malloc(sizeof(TLista));
    pNo6->nConteudo = 310;
    pNo1->prox = pNo2;
    pNo2->prox = pNo3;  
    pNo3->prox = NULL;
    pNo4->prox = pNo5;
    pNo5->prox = pNo6;  
    pNo6->prox = NULL;
    verificaPar(pNo1, pNo4);
    return 0;

void liberar_memoria(TLista p)
    TLista atual = p;

    while (atual != NULL)
        TLista proximo = atual->prox;


        atual = proximo;

void mostraLista(TLista p1, TLista p2)
    TLista i,j;
    printf("\nMostrando a lista:\n"); 


    for (i=p1,j=p2; p1!=NULL;p2=p2->prox,p1=p1->prox)
        printf("\n%d\t", i->nConteudo); printf("- %d\n", j->nConteudo);

        i=i->prox;  j=j->prox;        


    printf("Lista vazia.");


void verificaPar(TLista p1, TLista p2)
    TLista i,j, cont=0;
        for (i=p1,j=p2; p1!=NULL;p2=p2->prox,p1=p1->prox)
            if (i->nConteudo!=j->nConteudo)
                printf("NAO SAO IGUAIS - LISTAS DIFERENTES!\n");
            if (cont)
                printf("AS LISTAS SAO IDENTICAS\n");

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