You’re absolutely right about your remark!
A bit of history...
A lot has changed and received new names over my thirty-few years of programming.
At the time, we talked a lot about databases referring to databases.
Because the term, in English, for "Database" is (since that time) "Database" (something like "database").
You will not find "Databank" or "Bank of Data". That is, in principle, "Database" should not be the term.
But it was accepted and it is, in fact, the same thing.
You may even find some literature that declares different, but doesn’t cling to anything. Search for international terms whenever possible.
DATABASE and DATABASE is the same thing.
It would be a data repository, which can be:
- Our brain;
- Old-fashioned, a folder containing papers written with customer data, sales, products, etc.;
- A computer text file, with records of personal data, products, etc.;
- A binary, complex file, stored on the computer, containing customer data records, products, sales, etc. BUT WITHOUT NECESSARILY being active in a "database management system - DBMS", or DBMS, in English;
- This same file above, active, administered by a DBMS.
- Etc... etc... etc... etc...
Demystifying the database, let’s go to the table:
A table is, in fact, a table, when there were no computers in our offices, remember? Of course!
That drawing board with the striped sheet of pen with the help of a ruler, with the headings:
"Product, cost, sale, margin, stock"
This representation on file, when it comes to the subject "Sgbds", is exactly the same thing.
Remembering that a database may OR may NOT be normalized, which does not necessarily mean that it is right or wrong. There is case for both situations.
Although there are some rules recommended that can be followed, Sgbds do not impose that we do things in the way "normalized", "recommended".
It’s free! Create a table and put it all together: customer data, address and even your purchases.
It won’t be standard, but that’s another matter and it doesn’t misrepresent being a database. It’s just not standard.
Remember that the definition of "Data" is different from "Information":
Dice: "18", "Rua Santa Clara", "Verdadeiro", "0", "Sim", "RJ", "Masculine"
Information:: {André Assis, 254 Rua Santa Clara, Sex: Male}
In short:
DBMS/DBMS: Database Management System:
Name assigned to computer systems responsible for making available to other systems and users one or more databases and their content(s)).
Database/Database: A repository (container) of data in any physical medium (even its mind stores in a physical medium). Consider the concept of "data". In this database, records may be stored separated by subject.
"Brain" database means:
If I say to you, "Football", immediately subjects and related images will appear to you. They are the specific tables on this subject Football.
Hardly your brain will imagine unrelated things.
This is the traditional database: a repository of specific tables
Table: A representation of a traditional, secular table, containing data, whether or not normalized.
- Each column is a field (name, age, gender, city, state) or (brand, year, fuel, plate, color, port Qtd, mileage, value)
- Each row of this table is one registration. And the set of columns that "cut" that row, refers to an individual/unit (person or not):
Registration 1: "{Audi Q3, 2020, gasoline, PPM1234, White, 4 doors, 1.000km, R$ 100.000,00}"
Record 2: "{Del Rey, 1980, gasoline, PM-1234, Silver, 2 doors, 500.000km, R$ 15.000,00}"
Record 3...
- An DBMS may contain 0 to n databases;
- A database can contain from 0 to n tables;
- A table must contain at least 1 field (at least in the most known Dbms). Just like in real life, otherwise it would just be a blank paper, not a table.
For more details:
Normal forms (FN)
Manual table (actually, "British point")
What you put in "Users from other areas" is totally wrong. Perhaps because these users from other areas have no idea of the meaning of the terms, or confuse it with spreadsheets, which is certainly not a database table.
– anonimo
Yes, this is exactly the feedback I usually get from my organization’s IT people. I’m part of a research team that has applied social sciences professionals (economics, sociology, psychology, etc.), and although I’m not in the IT field, I often bridge the gap between users in other areas and the IT team, and I notice this difficulty of communication
– LuizZ
A point that significantly differentiates a table from a database of a spreadsheet is that in the table of a database each field or column belongs to a single domain, i.e., the values of all rows in this column must belong to that domain, whereas in a spreadsheet each cell can contain anything (a number, a text, a formula, a reference, etc.). In fact even in a spreadsheet that is treated as a database the functions used require the existence of the domain for each column.
– anonimo
There is a solid mathematical theory behind the databases, basically Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus and many other things.
– anonimo