
Viewed 42 times


good afternoon! I’d like some help.

I have this script below (ORACLE), I need the results to be returned in columns.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

 substr(Obter_Valor_Dominio_Status_LIS(a.ie_etapa),1,90) ds_status,
 decode(obter_se_recoleta_proc_etapa(a.nr_prescricao,a.nr_seq_prescricao,a.nr_sequencia),'S','Recoleta',''))) ds_exame_bloqueado,
 to_char(a.dt_atualizacao,('dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')) dt_atualizacao,
 substr(obter_ds_motivo_alt_status(nr_seq_motivo_alt_status),1,255) ds_motivo_alteracao_status 
    prescr_proc_etapa a,
    usuario b
upper(a.nm_usuario) = upper(b.nm_usuario(+))
and  nr_prescricao = 83011
and  nr_seq_prescricao = 1
ORDER BY a.nr_sequencia

Is it possible? I thank you for your attention.

  • At first I see that your select returns several columns (a.nr_prescription, ds_status, etc.). Maybe if you explained better what you want (an example could be enlightening) you could get help.

  • Yes, Are 5 status (Request released, Collected, Received Lab, Typing of the result, Approval of the result, Clearance of the exam) of the same prescription (a.nr_prescription), need to come out in column (side by side), not as in the image below one another.

  • Search for the LISTAGG aggregation function along with the GROUP BY clause.

  • "pivot" may be by pivot itself or "case" see examples.

  • Using LISTAGG, you still did not group ... SELECT e. nm_paciente,
LISTAGG (substr(Obter_Valor_Dominio_Status_LIS(a.ie_etapa),1,90) ||' - '|| to_char(a.dt_atualizacao,('dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')),';') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY a.ie_etapa, a.dt_atualizacao) A
FROM prescr_proc_step a, user b, prescr_medica c, prescr_procedure d, attendance_patient_v e, personal g, doctor m

  • WHERE 

upper(a.nm_usuario) = upper(b.nm_usuario(+))
and a.nr_prescricao = 85724
and a.nr_seq_prescricao = 1

-- and ie_etapa = 10

and a.nr_prescricao = c.nr_prescricao
and c.nr_prescricao = d.nr_prescricao
and e.nr_attendance = c.nr_attendance and c.cd_medico = g.cd_personal Physique and m.cd_personal Physique = g.cd_personal Physique GROUP BY e. nm_patient, a.dt_update ORDER BY e. nm_patient, a.dt_update

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2 answers


Good afternoon! I did it differently and it worked.



solic_lib.nm_patient, solic_lib.ds_age, solic_lib.ds_sex, solic_lib.NR_PRONTUARIO, solic_lib.DS_ANOS_MESES, solic_lib.DT_NASCIMENTO, solic_lib.nr_prescription, solic_lib.nr_attendance, solic_lib.ds_tipo_service, solic_lib.ds_convenio, solic_lib.dt_input, solic_lib.Npp data_prescription, solic_lib.nm_unit, solic_lib.ds_setor_atendimento, solic_lib.nr_crm, solic_lib.nm_medico, solic_lib.nm_EXAME, ap_res.ds_exame_bloqueado STATUS_EXAME, ap_res.ds_motivo_recoleta, solic_lib.TUBETE,

solic_lib.ds_status, solic_lib.ds_usuario, solic_lib.dt data_update,

ap_res.ds_status, ap_res.ds_usuario, ap_res.dt date updated,

dig_res.ds_status, dig_res.ds_usuario, dig_res.dt updated date,

teste_res.ds_status, teste_res.ds_usuario, teste_res.dt data_update,

test_res1.ds_status, teste_res1.ds_user, teste_res1.dt data_update,

test_res2.ds_status, teste_res2.ds_user, teste_res2.dt date_update


(select n. NM_EXAME, e. nm_patient, a. nr_prescription, e. ds_age, e. ds_sex, e. NR_PRONTUARIO, e. DS_ANOS_MESES, e. DT_NASCIMENTO, e. nr_attendance, e. ds_tipo_service, e. ds_convenio, TO_CHAR(e.dt_input, 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') dt_input, ' '|e. nm_unit nm_unit, e. cd_unit, e. ds_setor_service, m.nr_crm, g.nm_person a. ie_stage, a. nr_seq_prescription, substr(Obten_valor_dominio_status_lis(a.ie_step),1,90) ds_status, a. nm_usuario, b. ds_usuario, max (a.nr_sequencia) as nr, max (TO_CHAR(c.DT_PRESCRICAO, 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi')) as Npp, max (to_char(a.dt_update,('dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss'))) as dt, substr(lab_obten_desc_motivo_recoleta(d.nr_seq_recoleta),1,90) ds_motivo_recoleta, '00' || d.nr_prescricao || ’M' || O.nr_sequencia TUBETE, n. nr_seq_exam FROM
prescr_proc_a step, user b, prescr_medica c, prescribe procedure d, patient care and, personal fitness g, doctor m, exam_laboratorio n, material_exame_lab o WHERE
upper(a.nm_user) = upper(b.nm_user(+)) and a.nr_prescription IN (87935) and a.ie_step = 10 and d.cd_motive_low = 1 and a.nr_prescription = c.nr_prescription and c.nr_prescription = d.nr_prescription and e.nr_attendance = c.nr_attendance and c.cd_medico = g.cd_personal and m.cd_person physical = g.cd_person physical and d.nr_seq_exame = n.nr_seq_exame -- AND ( ( c.DT_PRESCRICAO BETWEEN :dt_initial AND :dt_final ) OR ( c.DT_PRESCRICAO BETWEEN :dt_initial AND :dt_final ) ) AND d.ie_horario_susp = 'N' and o.nr_sequence = obten_mat_exame_lab_prescr(d.nr_prescription, d.nr_sequence, 1) and a.nr_seq_prescription = 1 group by n. NM_EXAME, e. nm_patient, a. nr_prescription, e. ds_age, e. ds_sex, e. NR_PRONTUARIO, e. DS_ANOS_MESES, e. DT_NASCIMENTO, e. nr_attendance, e. ds_tipo_service, e. ds_convenio, TO_CHAR(e.dt_input, 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi'), ' '|e. nm_unit, e. cd_unit, e. ds_setor_service, m.nr_crm, g.nm_physical person, a. ie_stage, a. nr_seq_prescription, substr(Obten_valor_dominio_status_lis(a.ie_step),1,90), a. nm_usuario, substr(lab_obten_desc_motivo_recoleta(d.nr_seq_recoleta),1,90), '00' || d.nr_prescricao || ’M' || O.nr_sequencia, n. nr_seq_exam, b. ds_usuario) solic_lib,

(select n. NM_EXAME, e. nm_patient, a. nr_prescription, e. ds_age, e. ds_sex, e. NR_PRONTUARIO, e. DS_ANOS_MESES, e. DT_NASCIMENTO, e. nr_attendance, e. ds_tipo_service, e. ds_convenio, TO_CHAR(e.dt_input, 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') dt_input, ' '|e. nm_unit nm_unit, e. cd_unit, e. ds_setor_service, m.nr_crm, g.nm_person a. ie_stage, a. nr_seq_prescription, substr(Obten_valor_dominio_status_lis(a.ie_step),1,90) ds_status, a. nm_usuario, b. ds_usuario, max (a.nr_sequencia) as nr, max (TO_CHAR(c.DT_PRESCRICAO, 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi')) as Npp, max (to_char(a.dt_update,('dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss'))) as dt, max (decode(a.ie_exame_bloqueado,'S','Bloqueado', decode(a.ie_exame_bloqueado,'R','Repetição', decode(obter_se_recoleta_proc_etapa(a.nr_prescricao,a.nr_seq_prescricao,a.nr_sequencia),'S','Recoleta','')))) as ds_exame_bloqueado, substr(lab_obten_desc_motivo_recoleta(d.nr_seq_recoleta),1,90) ds_motivo_recoleta, '00' || d.nr_prescricao || ’M' || O.nr_sequencia TUBETE, n. nr_seq_exam FROM
prescr_proc_a step, user b, prescr_medica c, prescribe procedure d, patient care and, personal fitness g, doctor m, exam_laboratorio n, material_exame_lab o WHERE
upper(a.nm_user) = upper(b.nm_user(+)) and a.nr_prescription IN (87935) and a.ie_step = 20 and d.cd_motive_low = 1 and a.nr_prescription = c.nr_prescription and c.nr_prescription = d.nr_prescription and e.nr_attendance = c.nr_attendance and c.cd_medico = g.cd_personal and m.cd_person physical = g.cd_person physical and d.nr_seq_exame = n.nr_seq_exame -- AND ( ( c.DT_PRESCRICAO BETWEEN :dt_initial AND :dt_final ) OR ( c.DT_PRESCRICAO BETWEEN :dt_initial AND :dt_final ) ) AND d.ie_horario_susp = 'N' and o.nr_sequence = obten_mat_exame_lab_prescr(d.nr_prescription, d.nr_sequence, 1) and a.nr_seq_prescription = 1 group by n. NM_EXAME, e. nm_patient, a. nr_prescription, e. ds_age, e. ds_sex, e. NR_PRONTUARIO, e. DS_ANOS_MESES, e. DT_NASCIMENTO, e. nr_attendance, e. ds_tipo_service, e. ds_convenio, TO_CHAR(e.dt_input, 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi'), ' '|e. nm_unit, e. cd_unit, e. ds_setor_service, m.nr_crm, g.nm_physical person, a. ie_stage, a. nr_seq_prescription, substr(Obten_valor_dominio_status_lis(a.ie_step),1,90), a. nm_usuario, substr(lab_obten_desc_motivo_recoleta(d.nr_seq_recoleta),1,90), '00' || d.nr_prescricao || ’M' || O.nr_sequencia, n. nr_seq_exam, b. ds_usuario) ap_res,

(select n. NM_EXAME, e. nm_patient, a. nr_prescription, e. ds_age, e. ds_sex, e. NR_PRONTUARIO, e. DS_ANOS_MESES, e. DT_NASCIMENTO, e. nr_attendance, e. ds_tipo_service, e. ds_convenio, TO_CHAR(e.dt_input, 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') dt_input, ' '|e. nm_unit nm_unit, e. cd_unit, e. ds_setor_service, m.nr_crm, g.nm_person a. ie_stage, a. nr_seq_prescription, substr(Obten_valor_dominio_status_lis(a.ie_step),1,90) ds_status, a. nm_usuario, b. ds_usuario, max (a.nr_sequencia) as nr, max (TO_CHAR(c.DT_PRESCRICAO, 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi')) as Npp, max (to_char(a.dt_update,('dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss'))) as dt, substr(lab_obten_desc_motivo_recoleta(d.nr_seq_recoleta),1,90) ds_motivo_recoleta, '00' || d.nr_prescricao || ’M' || O.nr_sequencia TUBETE, n. nr_seq_exam FROM
prescr_proc_a step, user b, prescr_medica c, prescribe procedure d, patient care and, personal fitness g, doctor m, exam_laboratorio n, material_exame_lab o WHERE
upper(a.nm_user) = upper(b.nm_user(+)) and a.nr_prescription IN (87935) and a.ie_step = 25 and d.cd_motive_low = 1 and a.nr_prescription = c.nr_prescription and c.nr_prescription = d.nr_prescription and e.nr_attendance = c.nr_attendance and c.cd_medico = g.cd_personal and m.cd_person physical = g.cd_person physical and d.nr_seq_exame = n.nr_seq_exame -- AND ( ( c.DT_PRESCRICAO BETWEEN :dt_initial AND :dt_final ) OR ( c.DT_PRESCRICAO BETWEEN :dt_initial AND :dt_final ) ) AND d.ie_horario_susp = 'N' and o.nr_sequence = obten_mat_exame_lab_prescr(d.nr_prescription, d.nr_sequence, 1) and a.nr_seq_prescription = 1 group by n. NM_EXAME, e. nm_patient, a. nr_prescription, e. ds_age, e. ds_sex, e. NR_PRONTUARIO, e. DS_ANOS_MESES, e. DT_NASCIMENTO, e. nr_attendance, e. ds_tipo_service, e. ds_convenio, TO_CHAR(e.dt_input, 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi'), ' '|e. nm_unit, e. cd_unit, e. ds_setor_service, m.nr_crm, g.nm_physical person, a. ie_stage, a. nr_seq_prescription, substr(Obten_valor_dominio_status_lis(a.ie_step),1,90), a. nm_usuario, substr(lab_obten_desc_motivo_recoleta(d.nr_seq_recoleta),1,90), '00' || d.nr_prescricao || ’M' || O.nr_sequencia, n. nr_seq_exam, b. ds_usuario) dig_res,

(select n. NM_EXAME, e. nm_patient, a. nr_prescription, e. ds_age, e. ds_sex, e. NR_PRONTUARIO, e. DS_ANOS_MESES, e. DT_NASCIMENTO, e. nr_attendance, e. ds_tipo_service, e. ds_convenio, TO_CHAR(e.dt_input, 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') dt_input, ' '|e. nm_unit nm_unit, e. cd_unit, e. ds_setor_service, m.nr_crm, g.nm_person a. ie_stage, a. nr_seq_prescription, substr(Obten_valor_dominio_status_lis(a.ie_step),1,90) ds_status, a. nm_usuario, b. ds_usuario, max (a.nr_sequencia) as nr, max (TO_CHAR(c.DT_PRESCRICAO, 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi')) as Npp, max (to_char(a.dt_update,('dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss'))) as dt, substr(lab_obten_desc_motivo_recoleta(d.nr_seq_recoleta),1,90) ds_motivo_recoleta, '00' || d.nr_prescricao || ’M' || O.nr_sequencia TUBETE, n. nr_seq_exam FROM
prescr_proc_a step, user b, prescr_medica c, prescribe procedure d, patient care and, personal fitness g, doctor m, exam_laboratorio n, material_exame_lab o WHERE
upper(a.nm_user) = upper(b.nm_user(+)) and a.nr_prescription IN (87935) and a.ie_step = 30 and d.cd_motive_low = 1 and a.ie_exame_blocked <> 'R' and a.nr_prescription = c.nr_prescription and c.nr_prescription = d.nr_prescription and e.nr_attendance = c.nr_attendance and c.cd_medico = g.cd_personal and m.cd_person physical = g.cd_person physical and d.nr_seq_exame = n.nr_seq_exame -- AND ( ( c.DT_PRESCRICAO BETWEEN :dt_initial AND :dt_final ) OR ( c.DT_PRESCRICAO BETWEEN :dt_initial AND :dt_final ) ) AND d.ie_horario_susp = 'N' and o.nr_sequence = obten_mat_exame_lab_prescr(d.nr_prescription, d.nr_sequence, 1) and a.nr_seq_prescription = 1 group by n. NM_EXAME, e. nm_patient, a. nr_prescription, e. ds_age, e. ds_sex, e. NR_PRONTUARIO, e. DS_ANOS_MESES, e. DT_NASCIMENTO, e. nr_attendance, e. ds_tipo_service, e. ds_convenio, TO_CHAR(e.dt_input, 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi'), ' '|e. nm_unit, e. cd_unit, e. ds_setor_service, m.nr_crm, g.nm_physical person, a. ie_stage, a. nr_seq_prescription, substr(Obten_valor_dominio_status_lis(a.ie_step),1,90), a. nm_usuario, substr(lab_obten_desc_motivo_recoleta(d.nr_seq_recoleta),1,90), '00' || d.nr_prescricao || ’M' || O.nr_sequencia, n. nr_seq_exam, b. ds_usuario) teste_res,

(select n. NM_EXAME, e. nm_patient, a. nr_prescription, e. ds_age, e. ds_sex, e. NR_PRONTUARIO, e. DS_ANOS_MESES, e. DT_NASCIMENTO, e. nr_attendance, e. ds_tipo_service, e. ds_convenio, TO_CHAR(e.dt_input, 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') dt_input, ' '|e. nm_unit nm_unit, e. cd_unit, e. ds_setor_service, m.nr_crm, g.nm_person a. ie_stage, a. nr_seq_prescription, substr(Obten_valor_dominio_status_lis(a.ie_step),1,90) ds_status, a. nm_usuario, b. ds_usuario, max (a.nr_sequencia) as nr, max (TO_CHAR(c.DT_PRESCRICAO, 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi')) as Npp, max (to_char(a.dt_update,('dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss'))) as dt, substr(lab_obten_desc_motivo_recoleta(d.nr_seq_recoleta),1,90) ds_motivo_recoleta, '00' || d.nr_prescricao || ’M' || O.nr_sequencia TUBETE, n. nr_seq_exam FROM
prescr_proc_a step, user b, prescr_medica c, prescribe procedure d, patient care and, personal fitness g, doctor m, exam_laboratorio n, material_exame_lab o WHERE
upper(a.nm_user) = upper(b.nm_user(+)) and a.nr_prescription IN (87935) and a.ie_step = 35 and d.cd_motive_low = 1 and a.ie_exame_blocked <> 'R' and a.nr_prescription = c.nr_prescription and c.nr_prescription = d.nr_prescription and e.nr_attendance = c.nr_attendance and c.cd_medico = g.cd_personal and m.cd_person physical = g.cd_person physical and d.nr_seq_exame = n.nr_seq_exame -- AND ( ( c.DT_PRESCRICAO BETWEEN :dt_initial AND :dt_final ) OR ( c.DT_PRESCRICAO BETWEEN :dt_initial AND :dt_final ) ) AND d.ie_horario_susp = 'N' and o.nr_sequence = obten_mat_exame_lab_prescr(d.nr_prescription, d.nr_sequence, 1) and a.nr_seq_prescription = 1 group by n. NM_EXAME, e. nm_patient, a. nr_prescription, e. ds_age, e. ds_sex, e. NR_PRONTUARIO, e. DS_ANOS_MESES, e. DT_NASCIMENTO, e. nr_attendance, e. ds_tipo_service, e. ds_convenio, TO_CHAR(e.dt_input, 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi'), ' '|e. nm_unit, e. cd_unit, e. ds_setor_service, m.nr_crm, g.nm_physical person, a. ie_stage, a. nr_seq_prescription, substr(Obten_valor_dominio_status_lis(a.ie_step),1,90), a. nm_usuario, substr(lab_obten_desc_motivo_recoleta(d.nr_seq_recoleta),1,90), '00' || d.nr_prescricao || ’M' || O.nr_sequencia, n. nr_seq_exam, b. ds_usuario) teste_res1,

(select n. NM_EXAME, e. nm_patient, a. nr_prescription, e. ds_age, e. ds_sex, e. NR_PRONTUARIO, e. DS_ANOS_MESES, e. DT_NASCIMENTO, e. nr_attendance, e. ds_tipo_service, e. ds_convenio, TO_CHAR(e.dt_input, 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') dt_input, ' '|e. nm_unit nm_unit, e. cd_unit, e. ds_setor_service, m.nr_crm, g.nm_person a. ie_stage, a. nr_seq_prescription, substr(Obten_valor_dominio_status_lis(a.ie_step),1,90) ds_status, a. nm_usuario, b. ds_usuario, max (a.nr_sequencia) as nr, max (TO_CHAR(c.DT_PRESCRICAO, 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi')) as Npp, max (to_char(a.dt_update,('dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss'))) as dt, substr(lab_obten_desc_motivo_recoleta(d.nr_seq_recoleta),1,90) ds_motivo_recoleta, '00' || d.nr_prescricao || ’M' || O.nr_sequencia TUBETE, n. nr_seq_exam FROM
prescr_proc_a step, user b, prescr_medica c, prescribe procedure d, patient care and, personal fitness g, doctor m, exam_laboratorio n, material_exame_lab o WHERE
upper(a.nm_user) = upper(b.nm_user(+)) and a.nr_prescription IN (87935) and a.ie_step = 40 and d.cd_motive_low = 1 and a.ie_exame_blocked <> 'R' and a.nr_prescription = c.nr_prescription and c.nr_prescription = d.nr_prescription and e.nr_attendance = c.nr_attendance and c.cd_medico = g.cd_personal and m.cd_person physical = g.cd_person physical and d.nr_seq_exame = n.nr_seq_exame -- AND ( ( c.DT_PRESCRICAO BETWEEN :dt_initial AND :dt_final ) OR ( c.DT_PRESCRICAO BETWEEN :dt_initial AND :dt_final ) ) AND d.ie_horario_susp = 'N' and o.nr_sequence = obten_mat_exame_lab_prescr(d.nr_prescription, d.nr_sequence, 1) and a.nr_seq_prescription = 1 group by n. NM_EXAME, e. nm_patient, a. nr_prescription, e. ds_age, e. ds_sex, e. NR_PRONTUARIO, e. DS_ANOS_MESES, e. DT_NASCIMENTO, e. nr_attendance, e. ds_tipo_service, e. ds_convenio, TO_CHAR(e.dt_input, 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi'), ' '|e. nm_unit, e. cd_unit, e. ds_setor_service, m.nr_crm, g.nm_physical person, a. ie_stage, a. nr_seq_prescription, substr(Obten_valor_dominio_status_lis(a.ie_step),1,90), a. nm_usuario, substr(lab_obten_desc_motivo_recoleta(d.nr_seq_recoleta),1,90), '00' || d.nr_prescricao || ’M' || O.nr_sequencia, n. nr_seq_exam, b. ds_usuario) teste_res2


  solic_lib.nr_prescricao     = ap_res.nr_prescricao

and solic_lib.nr_prescription = dig_res.nr_prescription and solic_lib.nr_prescription = teste_res.nr_prescription and solic_lib.nr_prescription = teste_res1.nr_prescription and solic_lib.nr_prescription = test_res2.nr_prescription

and ap_res.nr_prescription = solic_lib.nr_prescription and ap_res.nr_prescricao = dig_res.nr_prescricao and ap_res.nr_prescricao = teste_res.nr_prescricao and ap_res.nr_prescription = teste_res1.nr_prescription and ap_res.nr_prescription = teste_res2.nr_prescription

and dig_res.nr_prescription = solic_lib.nr_prescription and dig_res.nr_prescricao = ap_res.nr_prescricao
and dig_res.nr_prescricao = teste_res.nr_prescricao and dig_res.nr_prescription = teste_res1.nr_prescription and dig_res.nr_prescription = teste_res2.nr_prescription

and teste_res.nr_prescription = solic_lib.nr_prescription and teste_res.nr_prescricao = ap_res.nr_prescricao
and teste_res.nr_prescricao = dig_res.nr_prescricao
and teste_res.nr_prescricao = teste_res1.nr_prescricao
and teste_res.nr_prescricao = teste_res2.nr_prescricao

and teste_res1.nr_prescription = solic_lib.nr_prescription and teste_res1.nr_prescription = ap_res.nr_prescription
and teste_res1.nr_prescription = dig_res.nr_prescription
and teste_res1.nr_prescricao = teste_res.nr_prescricao
and teste_res1.nr_prescription = teste_res2.nr_prescription

and teste_res2.nr_prescription = solic_lib.nr_prescription and teste_res2.nr_prescription = ap_res.nr_prescription
and teste_res2.nr_prescription = dig_res.nr_prescription
and teste_res2.nr_prescricao = teste_res.nr_prescricao
and teste_res2.nr_prescription = teste_res1.nr_prescription

and solic_lib.nr_seq_prescription = ap_res.nr_seq_prescription and solic_lib.nr_seq_prescription = dig_res.nr_seq_prescription and solic_lib.nr_seq_prescription = teste_res.nr_seq_prescription and solic_lib.nr_seq_prescription = test_res1.nr_seq_prescription and solic_lib.nr_seq_prescription = test_res2.nr_seq_prescription

and ap_res.nr_seq_prescription = solic_lib.nr_seq_prescription and ap_res.nr_seq_prescricao = dig_res.nr_seq_prescricao and ap_res.nr_seq_prescricao = teste_res.nr_seq_prescricao and ap_res.nr_seq_prescription = teste_res1.nr_seq_prescription and ap_res.nr_seq_prescription = teste_res2.nr_seq_prescription

and dig_res.nr_seq_prescription = solic_lib.nr_seq_prescription and dig_res.nr_seq_prescription = ap_res.nr_seq_prescription
and dig_res.nr_seq_prescricao = teste_res.nr_seq_prescricao and dig_res.nr_seq_prescription = teste_res1.nr_seq_prescription and dig_res.nr_seq_prescription = test_res2.nr_seq_prescription

and teste_res.nr_seq_prescription = solic_lib.nr_seq_prescription and teste_res.nr_seq_prescricao = ap_res.nr_seq_prescricao
and teste_res.nr_seq_prescricao = dig_res.nr_seq_prescricao and teste_res.nr_seq_prescricao = teste_res1.nr_seq_prescricao and teste_res.nr_seq_prescricao = teste_res2.nr_seq_prescricao

and teste_res1.nr_seq_prescription = solic_lib.nr_seq_prescription and teste_res1.nr_seq_prescription = ap_res.nr_seq_prescription
and teste_res1.nr_seq_prescription = dig_res.nr_seq_prescription and teste_res1.nr_seq_prescription = teste_res.nr_seq_prescription and teste_res1.nr_seq_prescription = teste_res2.nr_seq_prescription

and teste_res2.nr_seq_prescription = solic_lib.nr_seq_prescription and teste_res2.nr_seq_prescription = ap_res.nr_seq_prescription
and teste_res2.nr_seq_prescription = dig_res.nr_seq_prescription and teste_res2.nr_seq_prescription = teste_res.nr_seq_prescription and teste_res2.nr_seq_prescription = teste_res1.nr_seq_prescription

and solic_lib.nr_seq_exame = ap_res.nr_seq_exame and solic_lib.nr_seq_exame = dig_res.nr_seq_exame and solic_lib.nr_seq_exame = teste_res.nr_seq_exame and solic_lib.nr_seq_exame = teste_res1.nr_seq_exame and solic_lib.nr_seq_exame = teste_res2.nr_seq_exame

and ap_res.nr_seq_exame = solic_lib.nr_seq_exame and ap_res.nr_seq_exame = dig_res.nr_seq_exame and ap_res.nr_seq_exame = teste_res.nr_seq_exame and ap_res.nr_seq_exame = teste_res1.nr_seq_exame and ap_res.nr_seq_exame = teste_res2.nr_seq_exame

and dig_res.nr_seq_exame = solic_lib.nr_seq_exame and dig_res.nr_seq_exame = ap_res.nr_seq_exame
and dig_res.nr_seq_exame = teste_res.nr_seq_exame and dig_res.nr_seq_exame = teste_res1.nr_seq_exame and dig_res.nr_seq_exame = teste_res2.nr_seq_exame

and teste_res.nr_seq_exame = solic_lib.nr_seq_exame and teste_res.nr_seq_exame = ap_res.nr_seq_exame
and teste_res.nr_seq_exame = dig_res.nr_seq_exame
and teste_res.nr_seq_exame = teste_res1.nr_seq_exame
and teste_res.nr_seq_exame = teste_res2.nr_seq_exame

and teste_res1.nr_seq_exame = solic_lib.nr_seq_exame and teste_res1.nr_seq_exame = ap_res.nr_seq_exame
and teste_res1.nr_seq_exame = dig_res.nr_seq_exame
and teste_res1.nr_seq_exame = teste_res.nr_seq_exame
and teste_res1.nr_seq_exame = teste_res2.nr_seq_exame

and teste_res2.nr_seq_exame = solic_lib.nr_seq_exame and teste_res2.nr_seq_exame = ap_res.nr_seq_exame
and teste_res2.nr_seq_exame = dig_res.nr_seq_exame
and teste_res2.nr_seq_exame = teste_res.nr_seq_exame
and teste_res2.nr_seq_exame = teste_res1.nr_seq_exame

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